High spin states in the odd-odd nucleus 124Cs have been investigated through the fusion-evaporation reaction 116Sn(11B, 3n)l24 Cs with a beam energy of 45 MeV. A new rotational band is established and assigned as the high-k configuration of πg9/2140419/2+ ⊙vh 11/2[523]7/2-. Some structures linking to this band have also been observed. According to the results of the excitation energy systematics, the lowest level of this band is assigned as 9-, and the 8- isomer bandhead has not been observed. Another isomer with a half life of 6.3 s has also been observed with its new decay paths established, Its excitation energy is raised by 79 keV, but its Iπ is not changed.
High spin states of 128La have been studied through the fusion-evaporation reaction 118Sn(14N,4n) 128La at a beam energy of 69 MeV. A positive-parity side band with the same configuration as that of the yrast band has been identified. Moreover, it is noted that the energy separation △E(I) = E(I)side-E(I)yrast of all doublet bands reported in odd-odd nuclei in the A~130 mass region exhibit a staggering pattern systematically, and they stagger up at even-spin and stagger down at odd-spin.
High spin states in the odd-A nucleus 113^In have been investigated using the re- action 110^Pd(7^Li, 4n) at a beam energy of 50 MeV. A new positive parity dipole band with the configuration of π(g9/2)^-lv(h11/2)^2 v (g7/2)^2 is established. The effective interaction V(θ) values of this band have been successfully described by a semiclassical geometric model based on shear mechanism, which show that the dipole band has the characteristics of magnetic rotation. In addition the collective rotational angular momentum for this band is extracted. The results show that the core contribution increases gradually with the increase of the rotation frequency.
Third-generation-semiconductor zinc oxide is utilized as an energy converting material in a betavoltaic battery, where 0.06 Ci^(63) Ni and 8 Ci^(147) Pm are used as the beta sources. Based on a Monte Carlo simulation, the full scales of the devices are derived as 17 and 118 lm,respectively, for both sources. The influences of semiconductor doping concentrations on the electrical properties of the devices are analyzed. For a typical doping concentration N_A= 10^(17) cm^(-3), N_D= 10^(16) cm^(-3), the conversion efficiencies are 7.177% and 1.658%, respectively, using63 Ni and147 Pm sources. The calculation results of energy deposition in materials for the two sources show that the doping concentrations drop to 1 × 10^(13)–5×10^(14) cm^(-3) and 1 × 10^(12)–5×10^(13), and accordingly, the energy conversion efficiencies rise to 14.212% and 18.359%, respectively.
A tentative method based on the principle of minimum energy is put forward for assigning the reasonable configuration of a triaxial nucleus in TRS. This method is proved by the TSD of 167Lu nucleus that has been calculated previously by TRS.
A new experiment-library least-squares(experiment-LLs) method used in the neutron inelastic-scattering and thermal-capture analysis(NITA) technique for on-line coal analysis was developed,which has significantly decreased the non-linear radiation effects.In this method,sixty samples with preset elemental contents were made,from whose experimental spectra twenty single-element spectrum libraries corresponding to twenty kinds of coal were built using the least-squares method.The spectrum of the unknown sample was analyzed based on these twenty libraries to estimate its element contents.With the initial estimated result,the procedure of developing library and analysis was iterated to build a new library with the closest element contents to the unknown sample.Hence the experiment-LLs method can reduce non-linear radiation effects.The experiment-LLs method was performed on an improved coal analysis system which was equipped with a long-life 14 MeV pulsed-neutron generator,a bulk BGO detector with a temperature controller,a moisture meter and coal-smoothing device.The precisions of this system for ash content,water content,volatile content and calorific value have reached 1.0wt%,0.5wt%,1.0wt%,350 kJ/kg,respectively.
High spin states of the odd-A STSr were populated by the fusion-evaporation reaction ^82Se(^9Be,4n) u. br at a beam energy of 46 MeV. Excited levels of SrSr have been extended up to an excitation energy of 7.4 MeV at spin 31/2h. The coupling of a g9/2 neutron hole to the yrast states of the SSSr core can account for the low-lying states in STSr. The structure of the higher spin states is discussed by analogy with those of the neighboring odd-A N=49 isotones and possible configurations are proposed.