Field trials were performed to evaluate various techniques for measuring spray deposition and aerial drift during spray application to paddy field.The application of a spraying agent containing the fluorescent dye Rhodamine-B was applied by an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)which flew at a height of 5 m,a speed of 3 m/s,and the wind speed of 3 m/s.The results showed that because the downdraft produced by a helicopter rotor increased the penetrability of crops,there is a higher deposition on the upper layer and the under layer than the traditional spraying.The average deposition on the upper layer accounts for 28% of the total spraying,the deposition on the under layer accounts for 26% of the total spraying.The deposition on the under layer takes up 92.8% of the deposition on the upper layer.Droplets drift data showed that the drift of non-target area took up 12.9% of the total liquid spray.The 90% drifting droplets were located within a range of 8 m of the target area;the drift quantity was almost zero at a distance of 50 m away from the treated area.