国家自然科学基金(61125306) 作品数:7 被引量:53 H指数:4 相关作者: 穆朝絮 余星火 赵飞 万聪梅 赵建辉 更多>> 相关机构: 东南大学 天津大学 北京航空航天大学 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 中国博士后科学基金 国家教育部博士点基金 更多>> 相关领域: 自动化与计算机技术 航空宇航科学技术 兵器科学与技术 理学 更多>>
Continuous Sliding Mode Controller with Disturbance Observer for Hypersonic Vehicles 被引量:12 2015年 In this paper, a continuous sliding mode controller with disturbance observer is proposed for the tracking control of hypersonic vehicles to suppress the chattering. The finite time disturbance observer is involved to make that the continuous sliding mode controller has the property of disturbance rejection. Due to continuous terms replacing the discontinuous term of traditional sliding mode control, switching modes of velocity and altitude firstly arrive at small regions with respect to disturbance observation errors. Switching modes keep zero and velocity and altitude asymptotically converge to their reference commands after disturbance observation errors disappear. Simulation results have proved the proposed method can guarantee the tracking of velocity and altitude with continuous sliding mode control laws, and also has the fast convergence rate and robustness. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation. Chaoxu Mu Qun Zong Bailing Tian Wei Xu关键词:AIRSHIPS ERRORS Novel Statistic Information Control Framework for Non-Gaussian Stochastic Systems With Dead-Zone Input <正>In this paper,a novel statistic information control framework is studied for non-Gaussian stochastic system... YI Yang~(1文献传递 Optimal Tracking Control for a Class of Unknown Discrete-time Systems with Actuator Saturation via Data-based ADP Algorithm 被引量:4 2013年 为有致动器浸透和未知动力学的分离时间的系统的一个班的一个新奇最佳的追踪控制方法在这份报纸被建议。计划基于反复的适应动态编程(自动数据处理) 算法。以便实现控制计划,一个 data-based 标识符首先为未知系统动力学被构造。由介绍 M 网络,稳定的控制的明确的公式被完成。以便消除致动器浸透的效果, nonquadratic 表演功能被介绍,然后一个反复的自动数据处理算法被建立与集中分析完成最佳的追踪控制解决方案。为实现最佳的控制方法,神经网络被用来建立 data-based 标识符,计算性能索引功能,近似最佳的控制政策并且分别地解决稳定的控制。模拟例子被提供验证介绍最佳的追踪的控制计划的有效性。 SONG Rui-Zhuo XIAO Wen-Dong SUN Chang-Yin关键词:最优跟踪控制 离散时间系统 饱和执行器 非奇异终端滑模控制系统相轨迹和暂态分析 被引量:27 2013年 对于采用非奇异终端滑模控制的二阶系统,考虑到不同的初始状态,研究了其相轨迹的分布规律,给出了临界曲面的概念和解析表达.基于相轨迹的分布,考虑了系统初始状态与到达滑模面时间的关系,探讨了到达时间最大值的估计算法,并给出了非奇异终端滑模控制系统的收敛时间的数学表达.通过仿真验证了相轨迹的分布规律和临界曲面的正确性,以及根据系统初值估计到达时间的有效性. 穆朝絮 余星火 孙长银关键词:非奇异终端滑模 收敛性 Approximation-error-ADP-based optimal tracking control for chaotic systems with convergence proof 2013年 In this paper, an optimal tracking control scheme is proposed for a class of discrete-time chaotic systems using the approximation-error-based adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) algorithm. Via the system transformation, the optimal tracking problem is transformed into an optimal regulation problem, and then the novel optimal tracking control method is proposed. It is shown that for the iterative ADP algorithm with finite approximation error, the iterative performance index functions can converge to a finite neighborhood of the greatest lower bound of all performance index functions under some convergence conditions. Two examples are given to demonstrate the validity of the proposed optimal tracking control scheme for chaotic systems. 宋睿卓 肖文栋 孙长银 魏庆来多头分导式导弹姿态动力学建模与控制 被引量:1 2014年 导弹飞行过程中,子弹头的释放会造成母舱质心位置的改变,常规单弹头导弹的姿态动力学模型已不再适用。详细分析了释放子弹头对导弹母舱姿态运动的影响,基于质心突变对转动惯量矩阵及控制力矩的改变,构建多头分导式导弹母舱姿态动力学数学模型,通过非线性状态反馈实现解耦控制;基于解耦后的系统设计二自由度三变量内模控制器,优化了控制系统性能。理论分析与仿真结果均表明,该设计方法算法简单,易于实现,控制系统具有良好的输入跟踪性能和干扰抑制能力。 李帆 赵飞 万聪梅 赵建辉关键词:解耦 内模控制 Characteristic Model-based Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control for Spacecraft with Variable Tilt of Flexible Structures 被引量:5 2016年 In this paper, the finite-time attitude tracking control problem for the spacecrafts with variable tilt of flexible appendages in the conditions of exogenous disturbances and inertia uncertainties is addressed. First the characteristic modeling method is applied to the problem of the spacecraft modeling. Second, a novel adaptive sliding mode surface is designed based on the characteristic model. Furthermore, a discrete-time sliding mode control (DTSMC) law, which makes the tracking error converge into a predefined bound in finite time, is proposed by employing the parameters of characteristic model associated with the sliding mode surface to provide better performances, robustness, faster response, and higher control precision. The designed DTSMC includes the adaptive control architecture and is chattering-free. Finally, digital simulations of a sun synchronous orbit satellite (SSOS) are presented to illustrate effectiveness of the control strategies as well as to verify the practical feasibility of the rapid maneuver mission. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation. Lei Chen Yan Yan Chaoxu Mu Changyin Sun关键词:NAVIGATION ORBITS SPACECRAFT