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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
钙藻是可以发生生物钙化作用形成钙质"骨骼"的分属多个门类的藻类的俗称。钙藻最早出现于寒武纪,奥陶纪发生第一次辐射演化。本文系统讨论了绿藻门绒枝藻目(Dasycladales)、羽藻目钙扇藻科(Udoteaceae)的科和属级分类标准和红藻门珊瑚藻科、管孔藻科(Solenoporaceae)属级分类标准及其中各属分类中存在的问题。塔里木盆地晚奥陶世在塔中—巴楚台地和塔北台地发育了一套礁滩相良里塔格组碳酸盐岩,其中含有丰富的钙藻化石。本文系统描述了来自塔里木盆地塔中、巴楚、塔北地区取心井上奥陶统良里塔格组岩层中的钙藻化石11个属15个种。包括绿藻门绒枝藻目西莱特藻科(Seletonellaceae)的Dasyporella,Kazakhstanelia,Vermiporella,Aphroporella,Arthroporella,绿藻门的羽藻目Bryopsidales(siphonales)的钙扇藻科的Dimor phosiphon,Palaeo porella,红藻门珊瑚藻目(Corallinales)的管孔藻科的Solenopora,Parachaetetes及Corallinales incertus familiae的Petro-phyton,以及分类位置不明的Monili porella。其中绒枝藻Ajakmalajsoria被视作Kazakhstanelia的同义名。
Community replacement sequences and paleoenvironmental changes in reef areas of South China from Late Permian to Early Triassic exemplified by Panlongdong section in northeastern Sichuan Basin被引量:4
The well-known Permian Changhsingian calcisponge reef located at Panlongdong section,Xuanhan county,northeastern Sichuan Basin has attracted wide attention.Due to severe dolomitization and poor quality of the fossils,the P-T boundary in this section is difficult to determine.This study,for the first time,recognized six communities in the Upper Permian Changhsingian Changxing Formation through the Lower Triassic Induan Feixianguan Formation of the Panlongdong section.They are Bryozoan-Archaeolithoporella-calcisponge Community,Calcareous green algae-foraminifer-crinoid Community,Microgastropod-foraminifer Community,Ostracod-microgastropod-cystic microbe Community,Ostracod-small brachiopod Community,and Non-calcified cyanobacteria Community.By using community replacement and palaeoenvironmental analysis,for the first time,we set the P-T boundary of the Panlongdong section at the middle of the calcimicrobialite containing cystic microbes.The community replacement sequence in the Panlongdong section is similar to that in other contemporaneous sections in reef areas of South China,indicating universal palaeoenvironmental changes during the Permian-Triassic transition.The results show that:(1)Changhsingian calcisponge reefs in South China generally vanished before the mass extinction and may be related to the large regression in the Late Permian.(2)The Calcareous green algae-foraminifer-crinoid Community replaced reef community and continued till the mass extinction.The mass extinction was probably related to the global sea-level drop.(3)The first aftermath community was dominated by specialized microgastropods,followed by the microbes,and then by the specialized microgastropods and small brachiopods.The succession of the three communities reflected the change in environmental conditions from dysoxic to anoxic and again to dysoxic.(4)In the Early Triassic,the relict community in shallow sea had very low diversity and low abundance,and was dominated by crinoids,gastropods,and bivalves.
LIU LiJingJIANG HongXiaWU YaShengCAI ChunFang
Reconsideration of the sediment characteristics of the second member of the Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Sanhuiba,Huaying Mountain被引量:2
The second member of the Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Sanhuiba area in Huaying Mountain is an important section of sedimentary delta facies in the Chongqing Tianfu Geological Survey and Training Base. In spite of some initial efforts on its lithology and lithofacies, the existing research is yet to be completed and suffers from contradictory conclusions and inadequate evidence. Starting from the sedimentary microfaeies types and cyclic features, we analyzed the vertical sequence of a sedimentary delta model and discovered that this section is a constructional delta deposit. Eight incomplete and asymmetric regressive cycles are marked off, given that frequent erosion surfaces appeared in the section. Based on the analysis of structural characteristics of every monocycle, we summarized the system of cycles, tracts and sequence characteristics of the overall section. In view of this systematic series of cycles, we discussed the features of the syndepositional tectonic movements in the area and conclude that, due to frequent erosion, migration and diversion of a sub-channel branch was brought about by oscillating movements of the crust. In a comparison with neighboring sections, we explored the cause of erosion and the relations between erosion and cycles. This study greatly strengthens existing research and theories, makes an important and comprehensive contribution to geological surveys and training in the area and provides essential suggestions for coal exploration, oil and gas evaluation and in general to exploration and development in the target stratum.
LIAO TaipingHU JingjingZHANG FurongLIU Lijing
塔里木盆地奥陶系地层的苔虫化石丰富,保存良好,可以根据苔虫组合带进行生物地层的划分和对比。由下至上的6个苔虫化石组合带如下:(1)隐口目未定属组合带,(2)Eridotrypasp.-Bythopora sp.组合带,(3)Amplexopora minnesotensis-Rhinidictya nicholsoni组合带,(4)Prasopora grayae-Moorephylloporina sp.组合带,(5)Hallopora elegantula-Trigonodictya acuta组合带,(6)Atactoporella declivis-Lunaferamita nevadensis-Stictoporellasp.组合带。这6个组合带与各个地层单元对应关系为:鹰山组偶见隐口目未定属组合带,一间房组含Eridotrypasp.-Bythopora sp.组合带的分子,吐木休克组含Amplexopora minnesotensis-Rhinidictya nicholsoni组合带的分子,良里塔格组良五—良四段含Prasopora grayae-Moorephylloporina sp.组合带的分子,良里塔格组良三段含Hallopora elegantula-Trigonodictya acuta组合带的分子,良里塔格组良二—良一段含Atactoporella declivis-Lunaferamita nevadensis-Stictoporella sp.组合带的分子。
Diagenesis of the microbialites in the Permian-Triassic boundary section at Laolongdong,Chongqing,South China被引量:4
An interval of limestone,which generally has a dendroid appearance on outcrops,has been found in several Permian-Triassic boundary(PTB) sections in South China,and interpreted to be microbialites.Previous research has examined the paleontology and sedimentology of the unit,however,little attention has been devoted to its diagenesis.This paper discusses the diagenesis of the microbialites in the PTB section at Laolongdong,Chongqing,South China.Examination of multiple outcrops reveals that the structure in this kind of rock is not always dendroid;in many cases it is irregular in shape,and seldom shows the "up-branching" form.In addition,the speckled interval has also been found beneath the dendroid interval.In outcrop,both the speckled and dendroid rocks consist of the darkercolored areas and the lighter-colored areas.Examination of thin sections reveals that the darker-colored areas on outcrops are actually lighter-colored in thin sections,consist of larger crystals,and are more transparent.The lighter-colored areas in thin sections generally consist of large blocky calcite containing scattered small dirty calcite rhombs and irregular residual limestones,which are the same as the lime mudstones between the lighter-colored areas.It is inferred that the dendroid and speckled rocks have experienced the following diagenetic processes:(1) exposure of the carbonate sediments to the subaerial environment because of a sea level drop;(2) dolomitization caused by the downward migration of fluids formed the dendroid and speckled dolomitic patches;(3) dedolomitization of the dolomitic patches formed dendroid and speckled patches of calcite;(4) dissolution occurred in the interstices between relic dolomite crystals formed spongy pores;and(5) filling of the spongy pores by large blocky calcite.Therefore,even though microbes played a critical role in the formation of these microbialites,diagenesis contributed greatly to the formation of the speckled and dendroid pattern of the microbialites.
Jiang HongxiaWu Yasheng
Cyanobacterial fossils from 252 Ma old microbialites and their environmental significance
The end-Permian mass extinction was followed by the formation of an enigmatic rock layer with a distinctive ma...
Ya Sheng WuGong Liang YuRen Hui LiLi Rong SongHong Xia JiangRobert RidingLi Jing LiuDong Yan LiuRui Zhao
Diagenesis of the microbialites in the Permian-Triassic boundary section at Laolongdong,Chongqing,South China
An interval of limestone,which generally has a dendroid appearance on outcrops, has been found in several Perm...
Jiang HongxiaWu Yasheng
首次在新疆塔里木盆地塔中地区中2井上奥陶统良里塔格组礁岩中发现保存精美的牙形刺化石,包括6属13种和未定种,含一个新亚种Belodina longxianensis minor subsp.nov.。根据牙形刺化石确定,良里塔格组上部属于上奥陶统中部的Belodina confluens带。中2井良里塔格组第2—4层生物礁发育的精确时代是Belodina confluens带。