The authors obtain a holomorphic Lefschetz fixed point formula for certain non-compact “hyperbolic” Kǎihler manifolds (e.g. Kǎihler hyperbolic manifolds, bounded domains of holomorphy) by using the Bergman kernel. This result generalizes the early work of Donnelly and Fefferman.
In this article, we prove a degeneracy theorem for three linearly non-degenerate meromorphic mappings from Cn into PN (C), sharing 2N + 2 hyperplanes in general position, counted with multiplicities truncated by 2.
We give a precise estimate of the Bergman kernel for the model domain defined by Ω F = “(z,w) ∈ ? n+1: Im w ? |F(z)|2 > 0”, where F = (f 1, ..., f m ) is a holomorphic map from ? n to ? m , in terms of the complex singularity exponent of F.