Dielectric data for volcanic scoria and basalt on the earth at microwave frequency are extremely sparse, and also crucial for volcanic terrains imaging, and development. In consideration of their similarity to lunar regolith (soils and rocks) in chemical and mineral composition, the dielectric data is significative for passive and active microwave remote sensing on the Moon. This study provides the data about the dielectric properties of three kinds of scoria and two kinds of basalt in China. The method put forward in this paper is also applicable for measuring the dielectric properties of dry rocks and other granular ground materials with low complex dielectric constants. Firstly, the authors measured the e' and tanδ values of strip specimens prepared from the mixture of scoria or basalt powder and polythene with the resonant cavity perturbation method at 9370 MHz. Secondly, from the ε' and tanδ values of the mixture, the ε' s and tanδ s values of solid scoria and basalt were calculated using Lichtenecker's mixture formulae. Finally, the effective complex dielectric constants, ε' e and tanδ e , of scoria at different bulk densities were calculated. The results have shown that the ε' s and tanδ s values of all solid basaltic materials measured (both solid basaltic scoria or basalt) are approximately 7 and 0.05, respectively. With increasing bulk density of scoria, the ε' c and tanδ e values of scoria increase significantly.
Clementine UVVIS and NIR data from the lunar sampling sites (totaling 46 sampling sites) were processed and used to refine the iron determination method of Le Mouéic et al. (2000, 2002). We found that about 21 sampling sites are unsuitable to Le Mouéic et al's spectral parameters ("slope" and "depth l") because their 1500 nm filter could not be used as spectral parameters' right shoulders and to evaluate the depth of the 1-μm absorption feature accurately. We used the rest 25 sampling sites to refine the method developed by Le Mouéic et al. (2000, 2002 ) and obtained our own equation of FeO content determination. We tested our own equation, and the results are satifactory. In our work we also acquired some useful experiences in scientific applications of our own dataset of the Chang'E-1 mission.
Based on a comprehensive analysis of the mineral composition of major lunarrocks (highland anorthosite, lunar mare basalt and KREEP rock), we investigate the reflectancespectral characteristics of the lunar rock-forming minerals, including feldspar, pyroxene andolivine. The affecting factors, the variation of the intensity of solar radiation with wavelengthand the reflectance spectra of the lunar rocks are studied. We also calculate the reflectivity oflunar mare basalt and highland anorthosite at 300 nm, 415 nm, 750 nm, 900 nm, 950 nm and 1000 nm. Itis considered that the difference in composition between lunar mare basalt and highland anorthositeis so large that separate analyses are needed in the study of the reflectivity of lunar surfacematerials in the two regions covered by mare basalt and highland anorthosite, and especially in theregion with high Th contents, which may be the KREEP-distributed region.