Increased nitrogen (N) deposition will often lead to a decline in species richness in grassland ecosystems but the shifts in functional groups and plant traits are still poorly understood in China. A field experiment was conducted at Duolun, Inner Mongolia, China, to investigate the effects of N addition on a temperate steppe ecosystem. Six N levels (0, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 g N/(m2-a)) were added as three applications per year from 2005 to 2010. Enhanced N deposition, even as little as 3 g N/(m2.a) above ambient N deposition (1.2 g N/(m2.a)), led to a decline in species richness of the whole community. Increasing N addition can significantly stimulate aboveground biomass of perennial bunchgrasses (PB) but decrease perennial forbs (PF), and induce a slight change in the biomass of shrubs and semi-shrubs (SS). The biomass of annuals (AS) and perennial rhizome grasses (PR) accounts for only a small part of the total biomass. Species richness of PF decreased significantly with increasing N addition rate but there was a little change in the other functional groups. PB, as the dominant functional group, has a relatively higher height than others. Differences in the response of each functional group to N addition have site-specific and species-specific characteristics. We initially infer that N enrichment stimulated the growth of PB, which further suppressed the growth of other functional groups.
Atmospheric nitrogen (hi) deposition is currently high and meanwhile diffuse N pollution is also serious in China. The correlation between N deposition and riverine N export and the contribution of N deposition to riverine N export were investigated in a typical hilly red soil catchment in southern China over a two-year period. N deposition was as high as 26.1 to 55.8 kg N/(ha-yr) across different land uses in the studied catchment, while the riverine N exports ranged from 7.2 to 9.6 kg N/(ha-yr) in the forest sub-catchment and 27.4 to 30.3 kg N/(ha.yr) in the agricultural sub-catchment. The correlations between both wet N deposition and riverine N export and precipitation were highly positive, and so were the correlations between NH-N or NO2-N wet deposition and riverine NH4-N or NO3-N exports except for NH-N in the agricultural sub-catchment, indicating that N deposition contributed to riverine N export. The monthly export coefficients of atmospheric deposited N from land to river in the forest sub-catchment (with a mean of 14%) presented a significant positive correlation With precipitation, while the monthly contributions of atmospheric deposition to riverine N export (with a mean of 18.7% in the agricultural sub-catchment and a mean of 21.0% in the whole catchment) were significantly and negatively correlated with precipitation. The relatively high contribution of N deposition to diffuse N pollution in the catchment suggests that efforts should be done to control anthropogenic reactive N emissions to the atmosphere in hilly red soil regions in southern China.
With rapid economic growth in China, anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (Nr) emissions have more than doubled over the last two or three decades. Atmospheric Nr pollution is an environmental concern in China especially in megacities such as Beijing. In order to identify the impact of emission sources on atmospheric Nr pollution, we measured atmospheric Nr concentrations and their isotopic composition (δ15N) dynamics at three typical sites: landfill, pig farm and road traffic sites in Beijing from April 2010 to March 2011. Passive samplers were used for monitoring ammonia (NH3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), two major Nr species, while their δ15N values were measured by a diffusion method combined with mass spectrometer approach. The raw water pool of the landfill and fattening house of the pig farm were important NH3 sources with mean NH3 concentrations being 2,829 and 2,369 μg/m3, respectively, while the road traffic site was a minor NH3 source (10.6 μg/m3). NH3 concentrations at sites besides the landfill and roads were high in summer and low in winter due to the annual variation of temperature and the change of emission source intensity. In contrast, the NH3 concentrations inside the pig farm house were high in winter and low in summer, for the barn windows were open in summer and closed in winter. The mean NO2 concentrations were 89.8, 32.9 and 23.0 μg/m3 at the road traffic, the landfill and pig farm sites, respectively. Due to vehicle fuel combustion, NO2 concentration at the road traffic was the highest among the three sources, and the road traffic was a main NO2 emission source. PM10, pNH4* and pNO3- concentrations in particulate matter were higher in summer than in winter (except PM10 for the pig farm). The δ15NH3 values ranged from -19.14‰ to 7.82‰, with an average of-0.05‰ for the landfill site, and the lowest values were observed in June and July. The δ15NH3 values for the pig farm site ranged from -29.78‰ to-14.05‰ with an average of-24.51‰, and the 515NH3 val
LIU JieyunZHANG YingLIU XuejunTANG AohanQIU HusenZHANG Fusuo
【目的】随着人类活动引起大气活性氮排放的增加,大气氮沉降亦迅速增加,进而影响各区域生态系统。明确河北平原城市近郊农田大气氮沉降的动态变化,可以为农田氮素资源综合管理提供科学依据,也为中国氮素沉降网络提供关键基础数据。【方法】在河北省保定市河北农业大学实验教学基地进行了为期6年(2006—2011年)的湿/混合沉降监测试验以及1年(2011年)的干沉降监测试验。湿/混合沉降通过雨量器自动采集降水;干沉降中气态NH_3、HNO_3和颗粒态铵离子和硝酸根(_pNH_4^+和pNO_3^-)样品通过主动采样DELTA(DEnuder for Long-Term Atmospheric Sampling)系统采集,气态NO_2样品通过被动扩散管采集。【结果】河北保定地区多雨季节为6—9月,占全年(2006-2011年)降雨量的88.6%、81.5%、89.3%、88.9%、74.5%和83.1%;大气氮湿/混合沉降浓度冬、春季较高,夏季最低,冬春两季NH+4^+-N、NO_3^--N、TIN和TDN浓度分别占全年的74.5%、72.6%、74.1%和71.3%;氮湿/混合沉降量亦存在明显的季节性变化,夏季最大,冬季最小;各形态氮湿/混合沉降浓度高低表现为:TDN>TIN>NH+4^+-N>NO_3^--N,且与降雨量呈极显著负相关;监测区6年间平均湿/混合沉降总量为32.8 kg N·hm^(-2),其中2008年大气氮湿/混合沉降量最大,达40.4 kg N·hm^(-2),2010年大气氮湿/混合沉降量最小,为28.9 kg N·hm^(-2);大气氮湿/混合沉降中TIN占TDN沉降量75%以上,其中NH+4^+-N是TIN的主要组成部分,占其总量的56.6%—69.7%,平均为64.4%;各形态氮(NH+4^+-N、NO_3^--N、TIN和TDN)湿/混合沉降量与月降雨量、月降雨频次呈极显著正相关;大气氮干沉降中各无机氮(NH_3、NO_2、HNO_3、pNH_4^+、pNO_3^-)浓度有明显的季节性变化特征,且各形态氮的月沉降量变化趋势与氮浓度一致;总体来看,气态氮NH_3、HNO_3、NO_2及颗粒态氮pNH_4^+、pNO_3^-的年沉降量分别达到10.1、7.60、4.39、6.47及3.81 kg N·hm^(-2)。【结论�