Three linear CMOS power amplifiers (PAs) with high output power (more than watt-level output power) for high data-rate mobile applications are introduced. To realize watt-level output power, there are two 2.4 GHz PAs using an on-chip parallel combining transformer (PCT) and one 1.95 GHz PA using an on-chip series combining transformer (SCT) to combine output signals of multiple power stages. Furthermore, some linearization techniques including adaptive bias, diode linearizer, multi-gated transistors (MGTR) and the second harmonic control are applied in these PAs. Using the proposed power combiner, these three PAs are designed and fabricated in TSMC 0.18 μm RFCMOS process. According to the measurement results, the proposed two linear 2.4 GHz PAs achieve a gain of 33.2 dB and 34.3 dB, a maximum output power of 30.7 dBm and 29.4 dBm, with 29% and 31.3% of peak PAE, respectively. According to the simulation results, the presented linear 1.95 GHz PA achieves a gain of 37.5 dB, a maximum output power of 34.3 dBm with 36.3% of peak PAE.
随着数模转化器(DAC)位数的增加,模拟量的步进值越来越小,数字万用表的精度和负载电阻的热效应成为影响DAC线性度测量的重要因素。基于分段式电流舵DAC的结构,结合其二进制和温度计译码电路的特点,从理论上提出了一种使用简码测试线性度的方法,并以一款分段式10 bit DAC为例,分别采用简码和传统的全码方法验证了它的微分非线性DNL与积分非线性INL。结果表明,简码测试和全码测试得到的DNL与INL曲线趋势一致,但简码测试效率高,仅占全码测试周期的1/8;另外简码测试减小了负载电阻温漂引入的误差,因此相比全码测试线性度的性能提高了0.1-0.2 LSB。