Dispersion relation matrices, with the screened Coulomb interaction between a charged dust particle and all other particles taken into account, are derived for waves in body centred cubic (bcc) and face centred cubic (fcc) lattices in three-dimensional strongly coupled complex plasma crystals separately. The matrices are then calculated in characteristic directions to obtain the longitudinal and transverse eigenmodes. The longitudinal and transverse waves for these cases are discussed separately.
Nonlinear mode evolution for relativistic electrons in dense plasmas is analyzed in a three-dimensional fluid approach. Similar to the results previously obtained in particle-in-cell simulations, it is found that oblique modes dominate two-stream and filamentation modes in the linear stage. On the other hand a power spectrum analysis shows the nonlinear development of the high wavenumber modes.
The experimental one-, three-, and five-quasiparticle bands in 177Lu are analyzed by the particle-number conserving (PNC) method for treating the cranked shell model with pairing interaction, in which the blocking effects are taken into account exactly. The experimental moments of inertia are reproduced very well by PNC calculations with us free parameter.
Magnetic reconnection is a main process converting the magnetic energy into thermal and kinetic energy in plasmas. It is one of the fundamental problems of crucial importance not only to space plasmas physics and space weather studies,such as the solar flare,coronal mass ejections and magnetospheric substorms,but also to the stability analysis in magnetically confined fusion. In general,except for cases with periodical boundary conditions,three-dimensional(3D) magnetic re-connection occurs on magnetic separatrices generated by magnetic nulls. Here we briefly introduce/review the theories and some recent satellite observations of 3D magnetic reconnection. Topics to be further studied are also discussed.
As an essential mechanism in large scale fast magnetic energy releases and field reconfigurations processes in space,astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas,magnetic reconnection,particularly collisionless magnetic reconnection,has been studied for more than 65 years.Many progresses have been achieved in recent years and basic features of the process have been well understood,largely due to more and more satellite observation data available in the last decade.However,a few outstanding issues are still remained unresolved.We in the paper review the development of collisionless magnetic reconnection studies and major achievements in recent years,and also briefly discuss the open questions remained to be answered in studies of collisionless magnetic reconnection.