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  • 5篇中文期刊文章


  • 5篇理学


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  • 4篇ELECTR...
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  • 1篇2014
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  • 2篇2011
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Magnetic field effect in photodetachment from negative ion in electric field near metal surface被引量:3
Based on the closed-orbit theory, the magnetic field effect in the photodetachment of negative ion in the electric field near a metal surface is studied for the first time. The results show that the magnetic field can produce a significant effect on the photodetachment of negative ion near a metal surface. Besides the closed orbits previously found by Duet al. for the H in the electric field near a metal surface (J. Phys. B 43 035002 (2010)), some additional closed orbits are produced due to the effect of magnetic field. For a given ion surface distance and an electric field strength, the cross section depends sensitively on the magnetic field strength. As the magnetic field strength is very small, its influence can be neglected. With the increase of the magnetic field strength, the number of the closed orbits increases greatly and the oscillation in the cross section becomes much more complex. Therefore we can control the photodetachment cross section of the negative ion by changing the magnetic field strength. We hope that our results may guide future experimental studies for the photodetachment process of negative ion in the presence of external fields and surfaces.
Photodetachment of negative ion in a gradient electric field near a metal surface被引量:1
Based on closed-orbit theory, the photodetachment of H- in a gradient electric field near a metal surface is studied. It is demonstrated that the gradient electric field has a significant influence on the photodetachment of negative ions near a metal surface. With the increase of the gradient of the electric field, the oscillation in the photodetachment cross section becomes strengthened. Besides, in contrast to the photodetachment of H- near a metal surface in a uniform electric field, the oscillating amplitude and the oscillating region in the cross section of a gradient electric field also become enlarged. Therefore, we can use the gradient electric field to control the photodetachment of negative ions near a metal surface. We hope that our results will be useful for understanding the photodetachment of negative ions in the vicinity of surfaces, cavities, and ion traps.
The influence of interface modifier on photodetachment of negative ions in an electric field near a metal surface
Based on closed-orbit theory, the influence of an interface modifier on the photodetachment of H^- in an electric field near a metal surface is studied. It is demonstrated that the interface strengthens the oscillations in the photodetachment cross section. However, when the electric field environments are different, the strengthening oscillations are caused by different sources. When the electric field direction is upward, the interface enhances the oscillations by shortening the period and the action of the closed orbit. When the electric field direction is downward, the interface strengthens the oscillations either by extending the coherent energy range or by increasing the total number of the closed orbits. We hope that our results will be conducive to the understanding of the photodetachment process of negative ions near interfaces, cavities and ion traps.
Photodetachment microscopy of a hydrogen negative ion in an electric field near a metal surface被引量:1
According to the semi-classical theory, we study the photodetachment microscopy of H- in the electric field near a metal surface. During the photodetachment, the electron is photo-detached by a laser and the electron is drawn toward a position-sensitive detector. The electron flux distribution is measured as a function of position. Two classical paths lead the ion to any point in the classically allowed region on the detector, and waves traveling along these paths produce an interference pattern. If the metal surface perpendicular to the electric field is added, we find that the interference pattern is related not only to the electron energy and the electric-field strength, but also to the ion surface distance. In addition, the laser polarization also has a great influence on the electron flux distribution. We present calculations predicting the interference pattern that may be seen in experiment. We hope that our study can provide a new understanding of the electron flux distribution of negative ions in an external field and surface, and can guide future experimental research on negative ion photo-detachment microscopy.
Control of the photodetachment of H^-near a metallic sphere surface by an elastic interface
According to the closed-orbit theory, we study the influence of elastic interface on the photodetachment of H- near a metallic sphere surface. First, we give a clear physical description of the detached electron movement between the elastic interface and the metallic sphere surface. Then we put forward an analytical formula for calculating the photodetachment cross section of this system. Our study suggests that the photodetachment cross section of H is changed with the distance between the elastic interface and H^-. Compared with the photodetachment cross section of H^- near a metallic sphere surface without the elastic interface, the cross section of our system oscillates and its oscillation is strengthened with the decrease of the distance from the elastic interface to H^-. In additon, our calcuation results suggest that the influence of the elastic interface becomes much more significant when it is located in the lower half space rather than in the upper half space. Therefore, we can control the photodetachment of H^- near a metallic sphere surface by changing the position of the elastic interface. We hope that our work is conducive to the understanding of the photodetachment process of negative ions near interfaces, cavities and ion traps.