国家自然科学基金(11272277) 作品数:3 被引量:4 H指数:1 相关作者: 周建伟 刘慧敏 王红利 更多>> 相关机构: 许昌学院 郑州成功财经学院 华北水利水电大学 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 河南省社科联、河南省经团联调研课题 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目 更多>> 相关领域: 自动化与计算机技术 电子电信 经济管理 生物学 更多>>
Bifurcations and Dynamics of the Rb-E2F Pathway Involving MiR449 In this paper,we focused on the gene regulative network involving Rb-E2 F pathway and micro RNAs(mi R449),and ... Lingling Li; Jianwei Shen;文献传递 基于模糊评价的河南省农业现代化发展水平分析 被引量:1 2015年 河南省是中原经济区的主体所在省份.为更好地了解河南省农业现代化发展水平,以河南省的18个主要城市为样本,选取12个指标建立了河南省农业现代化发展水平评价指标体系;根据模糊评价原理,利用模糊综合评判矩阵计算出每个城市的12个指标对于评判集中各类别的隶属度.经对比,模糊评价分类结果与灰色关联度方法的排序结果基本一致.根据聚类分析结果,河南省的18个主要城市可以划分为3大类型.分析了每一类城市的农业现代化发展水平,可为促进河南省的农业发展提供决策依据. 刘慧敏 王红利关键词:农业现代化发展水平 Coherence resonance in a noise-driven gene network regulated by small RNA 2014年 Small RNA has recently drawn more and more attention. In this paper, we concentrate on the influence of noises on gene network regulated by small RNA using chemical Langevin equation. It shows that the noise can cause oscillation when the oscillate does not occur in the corresponding deterministic system. The coherence of the noise induced oscillation reaches a maximum for an optimal intensity of noise, and the coherence resonance appears accordingly. The findings imply probably omnipresent importance of noise in the functioning process of living organism. Yanan Zhu Jianwei Shen Yong XuBifurcations and dynamics of a predator-prey model with double Allee effects and time delays In this paper, a predator-prey system with double Allee effects and time delay is considered. On the one hand,... Lingling Li Jianwei ShenPattern formation with control theory Pattern dynamics behavior of reaction-diffusion equation play an important role in biology chemistry and morph... Jianwei Shen;文献传递 基于三维传感跟踪的运动损伤动作细节特征提取 被引量:3 2017年 为了提高运动损伤病理诊断有效性,提出基于三维传感跟踪的运动损伤动作细节特征提取方法。采用三维传感跟踪识别方法进行运动损伤动作的图像采集,对采集的三维图像进行边缘轮廓检测和角点检测,提取反应运动损伤细节特征的关键特征点,采用损伤部位的形变位移估计方法实现运动损伤动作的统计信息特征提取和损伤程度评估,结合图像的块分割方法实现运动损伤动作细节特征提取。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行运动损伤动作细节特征提取和三维传感跟踪识别,对运动损伤动作图像的特征表达能力较好,实现可视化的运动损伤病理诊断和治疗。 周建伟关键词:图像采集 特征提取 Stochastic resonance in a gene regulatory network under Lévy noise and nonhomogeneous coupling It is well known that noise plays an important role in gene regulatory network.in this paper,Our study of stoc... 丁亚敏 申建伟 Jianquan LuSignal Transmission of Biological Reaction-Diffusion System by Using Synchronization Molecular signal transmission in cell is very crucial for information exchange. How to understand its transmis... 周灵利 申建伟关键词:SYNCHRONIZATION 文献传递 Stochastic resonance in some noise-driven gene networks regulated by small RNA Recently,more and more attention was paid to gene network regulated by small RNA.In this paper,we study gaussi... ZHU Ya-nan; SHEN Jian-wei;文献传递