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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Quantitative Assessment Model on Path Assignment for SDNs
Software defined networking(SDN) has emerged as an efficient network technology for lowering operating cost through simplified hardware, software and management. Specific research focus has been placed to achieve a successful carrier grade network with SDN, in terms of scalability, reliability, Qo S and service management. In this paper, graph theory and traffic engineering are used to model the network state transitions and path assignment problem at first. Next, we present a quantitative assessment model on path assignment for a centralized controller to assess different kinds of path assignments, considering optimal path utilization, network load balance, network load volatility, and resource utilization simultaneously. In the end, an example forquantitatively assessing existing different path assignments is detailed to illustrate our proposed model.
WANG XiaomaoHUANG ChuanheSHI JiaoliFAN XiyinZHOU Hao
通过模拟人群内部的信任和决策机制,针对多用户的频谱协作感知一致性问题,提出了一种分布式算法。该算法首先通过网络的历次协作过程预测出各感知用户的动态可信值,据此产生用户的相对可信值,并结合决策机制使得用户之间进行数据交互,随着数据的可信、迭代交互,所有用户状态将趋于一致,最后通过判定算法得出最终结果。算法充分考虑了实际环境中各用户频带感知能力的不平衡性,而且各次级用户只需要进行少量局部数据交换即可实现协作感知,与传统的OR-rule、1-out-of-N rule以及普通迭代法有较大区别。对3种数据篡改攻击进行了分析,并在预测算法的基础上提出了相应的安全策略。理论分析与仿真结果表明,新算法在准确性和安全性上均优于传统合作频谱感知算法,能显著提高频谱感知准确率,同时兼具较强的防攻击能力。
Context-Aware Adaptive Routing for Opportunistic Network被引量:1
Opportunistic networking-forwarding messages in a disconnected mobile ad hoc network via any encountered nodes offers a new mechanism for exploiting the mobile devices that many users already carry. However, forwarding messages in such a network is trapped by many particular challenges, and some protocols have contributed to solve them partly. In this paper, we propose a Context-Aware Adaptive opportunistic Routing algorithm(CAAR). The algorithm firstly predicts the approximate location and orientation of the destination node by using its movement key positions and historical communication records, and then calculates the best neighbor for the next hop by using location and velocity of neighbors. In the unpredictable cases, forwarding messages will be delivered to the more capable forwarding nodes or wait for another transmission while the capable node does not exist in the neighborhood. The proposed algorithm takes the movement pattern into consideration and can adapt different network topologies and movements. The experiment results show that the proposed routing algorithm outperforms the epidemic forwarding(EF) and the prophet forwarding(PF) in packet delivery ratio while ensuring low bandwidth overhead.
WANG XiaomaoHUANG ChuanheZHOU HaoSHI JiaoliHE KaiDAN Feng
Public Auditing for Encrypted Data with Client-Side Deduplication in Cloud Storage被引量:4
Storage auditing and client-side deduplication techniques have been proposed to assure data integrity and improve storage efficiency, respectively. Recently, a few schemes start to consider these two different aspects together. However, these schemes either only support plaintext data file or have been proved insecure. In this paper, we propose a public auditing scheme for cloud storage systems, in which deduplication of encrypted data and data integrity checking can be achieved within the same framework. The cloud server can correctly check the ownership for new owners and the auditor can correctly check the integrity of deduplicated data. Our scheme supports deduplication of encrypted data by using the method of proxy re-encryption and also achieves deduplication of data tags by aggregating the tags from different owners. The analysis and experiment results show that our scheme is provably secure and efficient.
HE KaiHUANG ChuanheZHOU HaoSHI JiaoliWANG XiaomaoDAN Feng