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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Lattice-Boltzmann simulation of microscale CH_4 flow in porous rock subject to force-induced deformation被引量:15
Accurate knowledge of the influence of rock deformation on the permeability of fluid flow is of great significance to a variety of engineering applications, such as simultaneous extraction of coal and gas, oil/gas exploitation, CO2 geological sequestration, and underground water conservation. Based on the CT representation of pore structures of sandstones, a LBM(Lattice Boltzmann Method) for simulating CH4 flow in pore spaces at microscale levels and a parallel LBM algorithm for largesize porous models are developed in this paper. The properties of CH4 flow in porous sandstones and the effects of pore structure are investigated using LBM. The simulation is validated by comparing the results with the measured data. In addition, we incorporate LBM and FEM to probe the deformation of microstructures due to applied triaxial forces and its influence on the properties of CH4 flow. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of visually and quantitatively describing the characteristics of microstructure, spatial distribution of flow velocity of CH4,permeability, and the influences of deformation of pore spaces on these quantities as well. It is shown that there is a good consistency between LBM simulation and experimental measurement in terms of the permeability of sandstone with various porosities.
Yang JuJinbo WangFeng GaoHeping Xie
当今世界经济的迅速发展,地球浅部矿物资源逐渐枯竭,资源开发不断走向地球深部。目前煤炭开采深度已达1 500 m,地热开采深度超过3 000 m,有色金属矿开采深度超过4 350 m,油气资源开采深度达7 500 m,深部资源开采已成为常态。但是深部资源开发中常伴随着重大灾害事故,难以有效预测与防治,一方面说明深部岩体可能存在着完全异于浅部的力学本构行为,另一方面说明目前岩石力学理论发展已滞后于人类岩土工程实践活动,难以进行有效、科学指导,亟待探索和开拓。目前人们对超深部的岩石性质和行为还缺乏了解,一些基本概念和基本理论还尚未建立。深部是什么?多深算进入深部?浅部和深部有什么本质不同?经典力学理论能否描述超深部岩体力学行为?如何揭示深部岩体开发扰动影响下那"看不见,摸不到"的黑箱力学过程?深部环境(如地震地质环境、化学环境、热力学环境和微生物环境)如何对能源开发与存储、CO2与核废料地质处置等重大工程发生在岩石中的微观过程共同产生影响等等,这些重大的、基础性岩石力学科学问题亟待人们做出回答。从煤炭开采中的岩石力学问题研究入手,对以上深部岩体力学的一些共性的概念性和基础性问题进行探讨。指出深部静水压力是深部岩体应力状态的典型基本特征。深部不是深度,而是一种力学状态。发展有别于传统岩体力学的基于应力空间路径的采动岩体力学。提出将CT技术、3D打印技术和分形重构方法及应力冻结技术相结合的深部岩体力学的可视化研究手段,再现深部岩体在开发扰动下应力变化、裂隙演化、体积破裂、塑性失稳以及微观渗流等的力学行为和过程。这些工作将为深部岩体力学研究带来方法上的进步。
Impact of hydraulic perforation on fracture initiation and propagation in shale rocks被引量:4
To enhance the oil and gas recovery rate, hydraulic fracturing techniques have been widely adopted for stimulation of low-permeability reservoirs. Pioneering work indicates that hydraulic perforation and layout could significantly affect fracture initiation and propagation in low-permeability reservoir rocks subjected to complex in-situ stresses. This paper reports on a novel numerical method that incorporates fracture mechanics principles and the numerical tools FRANC3D and ANSYS to investigate the three-dimensional initiation and propagation behavior of hydro-fracturing cracks in shale rock. Considering the transverse isotropic property of shale rocks, the mechanical parameters of reservoir rocks attained from laboratory tests were adopted in the simulation. The influence of perforation layouts on the 3D initiation of hydro-fracturing fractures in reservoir rocks under geo-stresses was quantitatively illuminated. The propagation and growth of fractures in three dimensions in different perforating azimuth values were illustrated. The results indicate that: 1) the optimal perforation direction should be parallel to the maximum horizontal principal stress, 2) the crack plane gradually turns toward the direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress when they are not in parallel, 3) compared with the linear and symmetric pattern, the staggered perforation is the optimal one, 4) the proper perforation density is four to six holes per meter, 5) the optimal perforation diameter in this model is 30 ram, and 6) the influence of the perforation depth on the fracture initiation pressure is low.
Visualization of the complex structure and stress field inside rock by means of 3D printing technology被引量:44
Accurate characterization and visualization of the complex inner structure and stress distribution of rocks are of vital significance to solve a variety of underground engineering problems. In this paper, we incorporate several advanced technologies, such as CT scan, three-dimensional(3D) reconstruction, and 3D printing, to produce a physical model representing the natural coal rock that inherently contains complex fractures or joints. We employ 3D frozen stress and photoelastic technologies to characterize and visualize the stress distribution within the fractured rock under uniaxial compression. The 3D printed model presents the fracture structures identical to those of the natural prototype. The mechanical properties of the printed model,including uniaxial compression strength, elastic modulus,and Poisson's ratio, are testified to be similar to those of the prototype coal rock. The frozen stress and photoelastic tests show that the location of stress concentration and the stress gradient around the discontinuous fractures are in good agreement with the numerical predictions of the real coalsample. The proposed method appears to be capable of visually quantifying the influences of discontinuous,irregular fractures on the strength, deformation, and stress concentration of coal rock. The method of incorporating3 D printing and frozen stress technologies shows a promising way to quantify and visualize the complex fracture structures and their influences on 3D stress distribution of underground rocks, which can also be used to verify numerical simulations.
Yang JuHeping XieZemin ZhengJinbo LuLingtao MaoFeng GaoRuidong Peng
Simultaneous mineralization of CO_2 and recovery of soluble potassium using earth-abundant potassium feldspar被引量:16
CO2 capture and storage(CCS) is an important strategy in combatting anthropogenic climate change.However,commercial application of the CCS technique is currently hampered by its high energy expenditure and costs.To overcome this issue,CO2 capture and utilization(CCU) is a promising CO2 disposal method.We,for the first time,developed a promising method to mineralize CO2 using earth-abundant potassium feldspar in order to effectively reduce CO2 emissions.Our experiments demonstrate that,after adding calcium chloride hexahydrate as an additive,the K-feldspar can be transformed to Ca-silicates at 800 C,which can easily mineralize CO2 to form stable calcium carbonate and recover soluble potassium.The conversion of this process reached 84.7%.With further study,the pretreatment temperature can be reduced to 250 C using hydrothermal method by adding the solution of triethanolamine(TEA).The highest conversion can be reached 40.1%.The process of simultaneous mineralization of CO2 and recovery of soluble potassium can be easily implemented in practice and may provide an economically feasible way to tackle global anthropogenic climate change.
An experimental investigation of the thermal spalling of polypropylene-fibered reactive powder concrete exposed to elevated temperatures被引量:10
Polypropylene fibers are embedded to prevent reactive powder concrete (RPC) from spalling failure under high temperatures. This paper probes the influence of embedded fibers at various volumetric dosages on the thermomechanical properties of polypropylene-fibered reactive powder concrete (PPRPC) exposed to high tem- peratures up to 350 ℃ and on the spalling performance and characteristics up to 600 ℃. The thermomechanical prop- erties include the characteristic temperature for spalling, and residual strengths, such as the compressive strength, split tensile strength, and flexural tensile strength. A high- definition charge-coupled device camera and scanning electron microscope technology were employed to capture the spalling processes and to detect the microstructural changes in the materials with various fiber dosages. To understand and characterize the mechanism by which polypropylene fibers influence the thermal spalling of RPC, a numerical model to determine the moisture migration and vapor pressure transmission during spalling was developed in this paper. It showed that there was an optimal volu- metric dosage of fibers to prevent PPRPC from explosive spalling. The relationships between the mechanical char- acteristics of PPRPC and the fiber dosages were derived based on experimental data.
Yang JuLi WangHongbin LiuKaipei Tian
Mineralization of flue gas CO_2 with coproduction of valuable magnesium carbonate by means of magnesium chloride被引量:5
CO2 mineralization and utilization is a new area for reducing the CO2 emissions.By reacting with natural mineral or industrial waste,CO2 can be transformed into valuable solid carbonate(such as calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate)with recovery of some products simultaneously.In this paper,a novel method was proposed to mineralize CO2 by means of magnesium chloride with small energy consumption.In this method,magnesium chloride was firstly transformed into magnesium hydroxide by electrolysis.The formed magnesium hydroxide showed high reactivity to mineralize CO2.In our study,even at low concentration,CO2 can be effectively mineralized by this method,which makes it possible to directly mineralize flue gas CO2,avoiding the expensive process of CO2capture and purification.Moreover,valuable products such as hydromagnesite and nesquehonite can be recovered by this method.Because of the wide distribution of magnesium chloride in nature,large-scale CO2mineralization is potential by means of magnesium chloride.
Heping XieYufei WangWei ChuYang Ju
Chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel causes reinforced concrete structures performance deterioratio...
Chengming LanJie YuanHui Li
Numerical simulations of seepage flow in rough single rock fractures被引量:5
To investigate the relationship between the structural characteristics and seepage flow behavior of rough single rock fractures,a set of single fracture physical models were produced using the WeierstrasseMandelbrot functions to test the seepage flow performance.Six single fractures,with various surface roughnesses characterized by fractal dimensions,were built using COMSOL multiphysics software.The fluid flow behavior through the rough fractures and the influences of the rough surfaces on the fluid flow behavior was then monitored.The numerical simulation indicates that there is a linear relationship between the average flow velocity over the entire flow path and the fractal dimension of the rough surface.It is shown that there is good agreement between the numerical results and the experimental data in terms of the properties a of the fluid flowing through the rough single rock fractures.
Qingang ZhangYang JuWenbo GongLiang ZhangHuafei Sun
Prediction of preferential fluid flow in porous structures based on topological network models: Algorithm and experimental validation被引量:2
The understanding and prediction of preferential fluid flow in porous media have attracted considerable attention in various engineering fields because of the implications of such flows in leading to a non-equilibrium fluid flow in the subsurface. In this study, a novel algorithm is proposed to predict preferential flow paths based on the topologically equivalent network of a porous structure and the flow resistance of flow paths. The equivalent flow network was constructed using Poiseuille's law and the maximal inscribed sphere algorithm. The flow resistance of each path was then determined based on Darcy's law. It was determined that fluid tends to follow paths with lower flow resistance. A computer program was developed and applied to an actual porous structure. To validate the algorithm and program, we tested and recorded two-dimensional(2 D) water flow using an ablated Perspex sheet featuring the same porous structure investigated using the analytical calculations. The results show that the measured preferential flow paths are consistent with the predictions.