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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
A new scale for optimized cryogenic magnetocaloric effect in ErAl_2@Al_2O_3 nanocapsules
The Er Al2@Al2O3 nanocapsules with Er Al2core and Al2O3 shell were synthesized by modified arc-charge technique.The typical core-shell structure of the nanocapsules was confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.Transmission electron microscopy analysis shows the irregular sphere of the nanocapules with an average diameter of 26 nm.Magnetic investigation revealed the Curie temperature of Er Al2@Al2O3 nanocapsules at 20 K and the typical superparamagnetic behavior between blocking temperature and Curie temperature.Based on the blocking temperature and average diameter,the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of Er Al2@Al2O3nanocapsules was estimated to illustrate the magnetic contribution to the-SM.The large-SMof 14.25 J/(kg K)was obtained under 50 k Oe at 5 K.A vital parameter β was introduced in the present work to scale the optimized magnetic characteristics and the optimized mechanism was discussed in detail according to classical superparamagnetic theory.The results demonstrate that the optimal-SMwill be obtained when the magnetic parameter β is close to the theoretical coefficient.
利用直流电弧等离子体蒸发法合成硅纳米粒子(SiNPs),粒径为20~30 nm。采用对氨基苯甲酸(ABA)处理SiNPs,并在ABA-SiNPs表面进行苯胺(ANi)原位化学氧化聚合,形成核/壳型聚苯胺包覆硅纳米复合粒子(PANi-SiNPs)。FTIR、DSC、XRD、TEM等分析结果表明,ABA与SiNPs之间形成了化学键,粒子表面引入了ANi基团,复合粒子中PANi质量含量约为62%。电化学性能测试表明,PANi包覆层的存在大幅度提高了SiNPs的循环稳定性能,在100 mA·g^(-1)的电流密度下循环100次后,电池容量保持率为92.5%,远高于未改性的SiNPs的性能。聚苯胺包覆改性SiNPs,改善其导电性能的同时,可以极大地缓冲充/放电过程中的体积变化,提高电极的循环稳定性能。
Control of Hall angle of Skyrmion driven by electric current
Skyrmions are very promising for applications in spintronics and magnetic memory.It is desired to manipulate and operate a single skyrmion.Here we report on the thermal effect on the motion of current-driven magnetic Skyrmions in magnetic metal.The results show that the magnon current induced by the thermal gradient acts on Skyrmions via magnonic spin-transfer torque,an effect of the transverse and longitudinal Skyrmions drift velocities,thus leading to the effective manipulation of the Hall angle through the ratio of thermal gradient to electric current density,which can be used as a Skyrmion valve.
刘高斌李达de Chatel P F王健刘伟张志东
Transport properties of doped Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 topological insulators and heterostructures
In this review article, the recent experimental and theoretical research progress in Bi2Se3-and Bi2Te3-based topological insulators is presented, with a focus on the transport properties and modulation of the transport properties by doping with nonmagnetic and magnetic elements. The electrical transport properties are discussed for a few different types of topological insulator heterostructures, such as heterostructures formed by Bi2Se3-and Bi2Te3-based binary/ternary/quaternary compounds and superconductors, nonmagnetic and magnetic metals, or semiconductors.
Zhen-Hua WangXuan P A GaoZhi-Dong Zhang
Interface effect on structural and electronic properties of graphdiyne adsorbed on SiO_2 and h-BN substrates:A first-principles study
We use the first-principles calculation method to study the interface effect on the structure and electronic properties of graphdiyne adsorbed on the conventional substrates of rough SiO2 and flat h-BN. For the SiO2 substrate, we consider all possible surface terminations, including Si termination with dangling bond, Si terminations with full and partial hydrogenation, and oxygen terminations with dimerization and hydrogenation. We find that graphdiyne can maintain a flat geometry when absorbed on both h-BN and SiO2 substrates except for the Si termination with partial hydrogenation(Si-H) SiO2 substrate. A lack of surface corrugation in graphdiyne on the substrates, which may help maintain its electronic band character, is due to the weak Van der Waals interaction between graphdiyne and the substrate. Si-H SiO2 should be avoided in applications since a covalent type bonding between graphdiyne and SiO2 will totally vary the band structure of graphdiyne.Interestingly, the oxygen termination with dimerization SiO2 substrate has spontaneous p-type doping on graphdiyne via interlayer charge transfer even in the absence of extrinsic impurities in the substrate. Our result may provide a stimulus for future experiments to unveil its potential in electronic device applications.
Influence of N-doping on dielectric properties of carbon-coated copper nanocomposites in the microwave and terahertz ranges
Carbon-coated Cu nanocomposites (Cu@C NCs) consisting of core-shell nanoparticles and nanorods weresynthesized by arc discharge plasma under an atmosphere of He and H_(2) gas, and the N-doping of themwas achieved by a post-treatment process using ureal as the precursor. The concentration of N in the Ndoped samples varies in the range of 0.62%-2.31 % (in mole), with a transformation from pyrrolic N tographitic N when increasing the relative content of ureal. Dielectric properties of the NCs without or withN-doping in the microwave and THz bands were investigated. The N-doped samples achieve theenhanced dielectric loss in both microwave and THz bands. In the microwave band, dielectric loss wasdominated by interfacial polarization, dipolar polarization, and conduction loss, while in the THz band,plasma resonance, ionic polarization and conduction loss are responsible for the dielectric loss, with astrong absorption characteristic dominated by conductive effect.
Feirong HuangShuting FanYuqi TianXinghao QuXiyang LiMaoFan QinJavid MuhammadXuefeng ZhangZhidong ZhangXinglong Dong
Anisotropic nanocomposite soft/hard multilayer magnets被引量:2
Experimental and theoretical researches on nanostructured exchange coupled magnets have been carried out since about 1988. Here, we review the structure and magnetic properties of the anisotropic nanocomposite soft/hard multilayer magnets including some new results and phenomena from an experimental point of view. According to the different component of the oriented hard phase in the nanocomposite soft/hard multilayer magnets, three types of magnets will be discussed:1) anisotropic Nd2Fe(14)B based nanocomposite multilayer magnets, 2) anisotropic SmCo5 based nanocomposite multilayer magnets, and 3) anisotropic rare-earth free based nanocomposite multilayer magnets. For each of them, the formation of the oriented hard phase, exchange coupling, coercivity mechanism, and magnetic properties of the corresponding anisotropic nanocomposite multilayer magnets are briefly reviewed, and then the prospect of realization of bulk magnets on new results of anisotropic nanocomposite multilayer magnets will be carried out.
以微米Al粉和Fe粉为原料,采用直流电弧等离子体气相蒸发法,在氢氩和不同CH_4含量气氛下制备了Al-Fe和Al-Fe-C纳米复合粒子。研究纳米粉体的形成机制、结构、形貌及其电化学性能,着重研究C原子的加入对纳米粒子产物的成分组成、相结构及电化学性能的影响,对各种纳米粒子形成规律及嵌/脱锂电化学机制进行了探讨。结果表明:无碳气氛下制备的Al-Fe粒子呈球状;在含碳气氛下,随着C含量的提高,粒子形貌向柱状和线状发展,粉体相组成由Al向Al_4C_3转变,合金种类由FeAl_2向Fe_2Al_5转变。当电流密度为100 mA/g时,4种复合材料电极的首次放电容量分别为348.8、193.3、275.5和628.8 mA·h/g,金属间化合物Fe_2Al_5相的形成有利于提高充/放电容量和抑制体积变化,有效提高了电极的循环稳定性能。
采用直流电弧等离子体蒸发法,在氢/氩气氛中蒸发Si/Fe微米粉体混合压制的块体靶材,通过瞬态VLS生长机制合成纳米线。分析TEM结果表明,Si纳米线直径约20nm,长度约100nm,形貌均匀,端部为FeSi2催化剂颗粒,形成以催化剂颗粒为中心的无序辐射状网络结构,体现出VLS机制生长产物的基本特征。XRD结果表明,产物主相为硅,其中(111)面衍射峰最强,结合TEM图像分析可以判定Si纳米线沿(111)晶面生长。EDS能谱分析结果表明纳米粉体中Si含量为97.4%(质量分数)、Fe含量为2.6%(质量分数)。将Si纳米线作为锂离子电池负极活性材料,其电化学性能测试结果表明在150 mA/g恒电流下首次放电容量为1 704mAh/g,循环50次后容量保持有514 mAh/g。另外,Si纳米线负极还表现出较好的倍率性能,当电流从1A/g恢复到0.1A/g后,容量提高至802mAh/g,说明在高倍率的充放电之后电极依然保持原有微观结构未变坏,保持着优异的充放电性能。
采用直流电弧等离子体法,在氢/氩气氛下蒸发高Ni含量的Ni-Ag块体靶材,获得以Ni为主相的复合纳米粉体产物,Ni和Ag元素之间形成各自固溶体相,其中Ni含量为70.54%(质量分数),纳米粒子产物平均尺寸在30~70 nm范围。将纳米粉体压制成片,其室温电学性能测试结果表明:25 MPa压力下的样品电阻率为5.36×10^-5Ω·cm。利用纳米粉体作为导电组分,配制成液态导电墨水,在聚酰亚胺薄膜基体上绘制导电线路,在Ar气氛下完成烧结处理。烧结样品电学性能测试结果表明:在300℃以上温度,烧结体结构致密,导电性能良好。随温度提高,烧结样品的电阻率逐渐下降,450℃时烧结体的电阻率达1.83×10^-3Ω·cm,明显优于纯Ni纳米粉体墨水的烧结体电阻率。