[Objective] The aim was to analyze temporal and spatial variation charac- teristics of potential evapotranspiration in Guizhou Province. [Method] According to information from 19 meteorological stations of Guizhou Province from 1960 to 2007, with the formulas of optimizational Penman-Monteith and SEBAL net radiation mod- el, the reference crop evapotranspiration ETo was calculated. Also with the spatial interpolation method of Arcgis 9.3, climate tendency rate statistics, K-M test, wavelet analysis and so on, the related regional differentiation and spatial and temporal change characteristics between meteorological factors from each monitoring station and ETo were analyzed. [Result] The results show that the correlation of potential evapotranspiration and meteorological factors in Guizhou Province demonstrates re- gional differentiation; there was no direct connection between the correlation of po- tential evapotranspiration and meteorological factors and the amount of meteorologi- cal factors in the year; there were 3 cycles in potential evapotranspiration, namely, 1 year, 5 years and 10 years, with 3 mutation points, respectively, in 1965, 1984 and 1999, mainly affected by air temperature, precipitation and solar radiation. [Conclusion] The research is of great significance in developing irrigation approach- es, adjusting agricultural structure and ecological construction.
Taking Zunyi City of Guizhou Province as research area, the research performed spatial dynamic analysis and elastic coefficient method to evaluate the e- conomical and intensive utilization of the regional construction land, and to discuss the decision direction for economical and intensive utilization of the regional con- struction land. The results showed that, the population based land utilization both in Zunyi and the city districts and counties indicated extensive trend. The economy- based land utilization in Zunyi City, as well as in Huichun, Zunyi and Tongzi County presented intensive trend, however the other districts and counties were in extensive tendency. It concluded that the economical and intensive utilization of construction land should be focused on the rural collective construction land, and the potential tapping of rural collective construction land in rocky desertification area should be the first priority, otherwise, the regional economic development was unbalanced be- tween different district and county in Zunyi.