The precipitation of the lamellar-shaped M23C6 carbide within the dendritic matrix of a cobalt-base superalloy during thermal exposure at 1000 ℃ has been investigated. Such a precipitation is not commonly observed in cobalt-base superalloys. It is found that M23C6 particles nucleate preferentially at stacking faults (SFs) in the dendritic matrix and grow along the SFs to develop a lamellar character. Additionally, a Cr depletion zone is observed in the vicinity of the lamellar M23C6 carbide, which strongly supports the presence of Suzuki segregation.
The microstructure, size, elemental composition and hardness of the surface eutectic layer formed during directional solidification of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy were studied. The formation mechanisms of the surface eutectic on the outer surface of the casting were also discussed. The metal/mould interactions did not play any role in the formation of the surface eutectic. The formation cause of surface eutectic layer was attributed to the interdendritic residual liquid for excretion caused by solidi?cation shrinkage.
The grain boundary microstructures of a heat-treated Ni-based cast superalloy IN792 were investigated. The results show that M5B3 boride precipitates at the grain boundary. A special orientation relationship between M5B3 phase and the matrix at one side of the grain boundary is found. At the same time, two M5B3 borides with different orientations could co-exist in a single M5B3 particle as an intergrowth besides existing alone, thus forming orientation relationship between the two M5B3 phases and matrix. This phenomenon could be attributed to the special orientation relationship between M5B3 phase and the matrix.
The Portevin-Le Chatelier(PLC) effects in a wrought Ni-base superalloy with different γ' precipitates contents have been investigated. Detailed analysis on the serration type of the tensile curves indicates that the γ' precipitates have a decisive influence on the transformation from normal to inverse PLC behavior, which is rarely proposed in other works. It is considered that the γ' precipitates play the same role in PLC effect as temperature and strain rate for the investigated wrought Ni-base superalloy.
Xinguang WangGuoming HanChuanyong CuiShuai GuanJinguo LiGuichen HouYizhou ZhouXiaofeng Sun