High-strain InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) are grown by low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD). Photoluminescence (PL) at room temperature is applied for evaluation of the optical property. The influence of growth temperature, V/III ratio, and growth rate on PL characteristic are investigated. It is found that the growth temperature and V/III ratio have strong effects on the peak wavelength and PL intensity. The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of PL peak increases with higher growth rate of InGaAs layer. The FWHM of the PL peak located at 1039 nm is 20.1 meV, which grows at 600 ℃ with V/ III ratio of 42.7 and growth rate of 0.96 μm/h.
提出了一种非对称异质波导半导体激光器外延结构,即通过优化选择材料体系和结构厚度,对器件外延层的P侧限制结构和N侧限制结构分别设计,从而降低器件的电压损耗,使其满足高输出功率以及高的电光转换效率的要求.从载流子的输运和限制等微观机制出发,对器件的主要输出特性进行了理论分析和数值模拟,并以此为根据设计和制作了一种1060 nm In Ga As/Ga As单量子阱非对称异质波导结构半导体激光器,并对器件的主要输出特性进行了测试.实验结果表明,非对称异质结构是降低器件的电压降、增大限制结构对注入载流子的限制,提高半导体激光器电光转换效率的有效措施.