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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
基于EFDC(Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code)数值模式建立了长江口及其邻近海域的三维水动力学模型,用于研究风对夏季长江冲淡水扩展的影响。基于实测资料的验证结果表明,模型能够比较真实的反映潮汐、海流、温度和盐度的变化过程。敏感性试验的结果显示,风对夏季长江冲淡水的扩展有着非常显著的影响。在Ekman输送的作用下,长江冲淡水将向风向的右侧扩展。5m/s风速下,东风、东南风、南风和西南风4个风向下的冲淡水明显向外海扩展,而西风、西北风、北风和东北风下的冲淡水都被限制在近岸水域。Ekman输送的强度随风速增强而增强,冲淡水向风向右侧的扩展也越来越明显。舌轴区因为层结明显,湍流活动相对较弱,对风能量的耗散相对较小,所以相同的风速增量对舌轴区表层水的加速作用最强,这导致更多的淡水经由舌轴区输送,使得淡水舌宽度随风速的增加而变窄。对长江口海域表面风的气候统计分析表明,上述数值试验结果能够很好的解释气候态下长江冲淡水扩展方向与表面风变化的关系。
Role of Ferrel cell in daily variability of Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode被引量:1
The Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode(NAM) represents the zonally symmetric planetary-scale atmospheric mass fluctuations between middle and high latitudes, whose variations have shown a large impact on other components of the climate system. Previous studies have indicated that the NAM is correlated with the Ferrel cell in their monthly or longer timescale variability.However, there have been few studies investigating their connections at daily timescale, though daily variability of NAM has been suggested to be an important component and has significant implication for weather forecast. The results from this study demonstrate that variability of the Ferrel cell leads that of the NAM by about 1–2 days. This statistically identified temporal phase difference between NAM and Ferrel cell variability can be elucidated by meridional mass redistribution. Intensified(weakened)Ferrel cell causes anomalously smaller(larger) poleward mass transport from the middle to the high latitudes,resulting in an increase(a decrease) in mass in the middle latitudes and a decrease(an increase) in the high latitudes.As a consequence, anomalously higher(lower) poleward pressure gradient forms and the NAM subsequently shifts to a positive(negative) phase at a time lag of 1–2 days. The findings here would augment the existing knowledge for better understanding the connection between the Ferrel Cell and the NAM, and may provide skillful information for improving NAM as well as daily scale weather prediction.
Xiao-Feng LiJianping LiXiangdong ZhangCheng Sun
The Relationship between Precipitation and Airflow over the Tibetan Plateau in Boreal Summer
Based on the observation data and the reanalysis datasets, the variability and the circulation features influencing precipitation in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are investigated. Taking into account the effects of topography, surface winds are deconstructed into flow-around and flow-over components relative to the TP. Climatologically, the flow-around component mainly represents cyclonic circulation in the TP during the summer. The transition zone of total precipitation in the summer parallels the convergence belt between the southerlies and the northerlies of the flow-over component. The leading mode of rainfall anomalies in the TP has a meridional dipole structure, and the first principal component (PC1) mainly depicts the variation of rainfall in the southern TP. The wet southern TP experiences strengthened flow-over, which in turn mechanistically favors intensified ascent forced by the flow-over component. In addition, variations in the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) have an important role in influencing the flow over the southern TP, and the ISM ultimately impacts the precipitation over southern TP.
Statistically Downscaled Summer Rainfall over the Middle-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River被引量:6
The summer rainfall over the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley (YRSR) has been estimated with a multi-linear regression model using principal atmospheric modes derived from a 500 hPa geopotential height and a 700 hPa zonal vapor flux over the domain of East Asia and the West Pacific.The model was developed using data from 1958 92 and validated with an independent prediction from 1993 2008.The independent prediction was efficient in predicting the YRSR with a correlation coefficient of 0.72 and a relative root mean square error of 18%.The downscaling model was applied to two general circulation models (GCMs) of Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model (FGOALS) and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory coupled climate model version 2.1 (GFDL-CM2.1) to project rainfall for present and future climate under B1 and A1B emission scenarios.The downscaled results pro-vided a closer representation of the observation compared to the raw models in the present climate.In addition,compared to the inconsistent prediction directly from dif-ferent GCMs,the downscaled results provided a consistent projection for this half-century,which indicated a clear increase in the YRSR.Under the B1 emission scenario,the rainfall could increase by an average of 11.9% until 2011 25 and 17.2% until 2036 50 from the current state;under the A1B emission scenario,rainfall could increase by an average of 15.5% until 2011 25 and 25.3% until 2036 50 from the current state.Moreover,the increased rate was faster in the following decade (2011 25) than the latter of this half-century (2036 50) under both emissions.
GUO YanLI Jian-PingLI Yun
A Theoretical Explanation of Anomalous Atmospheric Circulation Associated with ENSO Modoki during Boreal Winter被引量:2
Based on a linear model, the present study provides analytical solutions for ideal triple forcing sources similar to sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) pat- terns associated with El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Modoki in winter. The ideal triple pattern is composed of an equatorially symmetric heat source in the middle and equatoriaUy asymmetric cold forcing in the southeast and northwest. The equatorially symmetric heat source excites low-level cyclonic circulation anomalies associated with Rossby waves in both hemispheres, while the northwest- ern and southeastern equatorially asymmetric cold sources induce low-level anomalous anticyclones associated with Rossby waves in the hemisphere where the forcing source is located. Low-level zonal winds converge toward the heat sources associated with Kelvin and Rossby waves. Due to unequal forcing intensity in the northwest and southeast, atmospheric responses around the equatorially symmetric forcing become asymmetric, and low-level cyclonic circulation anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere become greater than those in the Northern Hemisphere. Ascending (descending) flows coincide with heat (cold) sources, resulting in a double-cell structure over the regions of forcing sources. Ideal triple patterns similar to SSTA patterns associated with La Nina Modoki produce opposite atmospheric responses. The theoretical atmospheric responses are consistent with observed circulation anomalies associated with ENSO Modoki. Therefore, the theoretical solutions can explain the dynamics responsible for atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with ENSO Modoki events.
XING NanLI Jian-PingLI Yao-Kun
Some Advances in Studies of the Climatic Impacts of the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode被引量:1
The Southern Hemisphere (SH) annular mode (SAM) is the dominant mode of atmospheric circulation in the SH extratropics. The SAM regulates climate in many regions due to its large spatial scale. Exploration of the climatic impacts of the SAM is a new research field that has developed rapidly in recent years. This paper reviews studies of the climatic impact of the SAM on the SH and the Northern Hemisphere (NH), emphasizing linkages between the SAM and climate in China. Studies relating the SAM to climate change are also discussed. A general survey of these studies have been systematically investigated. On interannual shows that signals of the SAM in the SH climate scales, the SAM can influence the position of storm tracks and the vertical circulation, and modulate the dynamic and thermodynamic driving effects of the surface wind on the underlying surface, thus influencing the SH air-sea-ice coupled system. These influences generally show zonally symmetrical characteristics, but with local features. On climate change scales, the impacts of the SAM on SH climate change show a similar spatial distribution to those on interannual scales. There are also meaningful results on the relationship between the SAM and the NH climate. The SAM is known to affect the East Asian, West African, and North American summer monsoons, as well as the winter monsoon in China. Air-sea interaction plays an important role in these connections in terms of the storage of the SAM signal and its propagation from the SH to the NH. However, compared with the considerable knowledge of the impact of the SAM on the SH climate, the response of the NH climate to the SAM deserves further study, including both a deep understanding of the propagation mechanism of the SAM signal from the SH to the NH and the establishment of a seasonal prediction model based on the SAM.