Paeonia lactiflora root(baishao in Chinese) is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicines(TCM). Two isomers, paeoniflorin(PF) and albiflorin(AF), are isolated from P. lactiflora. The present study aimed to investigate the protective effects of PF and AF on myelosuppression induced by chemotherapy in mice and to explore the underlying mechanisms. The mouse myelosuppression model was established by intraperitoneal(i.p.) injection of cyclophosphamide(CP, 200 mg×kg^(–1)). The blood cell counts were performed. The thymus index and spleen index were also determined and bone morrow histological examination was performed. The levels of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) in serum and colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF) in plasma were measured by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays(ELISA) and the serum levels of interleukin-3(IL-3), granulocyte-macrophagecolony- stimulatingfactor(GM-CSF), and interleukin-6(IL-6) were measured by radioimmunoassay(RIA). The levels of m RNA expression protein of IL-3, GM-CSF and G-CSF in spleen and bone marrow cells were determined respectively. PF and AF significantly increased the white blood cell(WBC) counts and reversed the atrophy of thymus. They also increased the serum levels of GM-CSF and IL-3 and the plasma level of G-CSF and reduced the level of TNF-α in serum.. PF enhanced the m RNA level of IL-3 and AF enhanced the m RNA levels of GM-CSF and G-CSF in the spleen. PF and AF both increased the protein levels of GM-CSF and G-CSF in bone marrow cells. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that PF and AF promoted the recovery of bone marrow hemopoietic function in the mouse myelosuppression model.
目的:分析外来植物药蔓越莓研究文献,依据中医药理论探讨蔓越莓的中药药性,为蔓越莓与中药配伍的临床合理使用及产品开发提供理论依据。方法:选取Web of Science(Wo S)及pubmed数据库中外来药物蔓越莓的相关英文文献,对196篇临床实验,140篇活性成分文献进行研究与分析,并结合中医理论对蔓越莓的中药药性进行初步探讨。结果:蔓越莓的中药药性为性味归经为酸、甘,凉;归肾、膀胱、脾经。功效主治为清热通淋,化脂降浊,健脾益气。用于湿热淋证,高脂血症,脾气虚弱,倦怠无力。结论:概括归纳蔓越莓的性味归经、功效主治及用法用量,赋予其中药药性,使其成为新"外来中药",可以为蔓越莓与中药的配伍及临床应用提供理论依据,能更好地在医疗保健行业中推广应用,研发新产品。