Using e-beam evaporation, the ellipsometric parameters of thick transparent films are studied with the modified analysis method for the SiO 2 film samples deposited onto the Si substrate. The ellipsometric parameters are measured at the incidence angles changing from 50 to 70 and in the 3–4.5 eV photon energy range. The error in the conventional method can be significantly reduced by the modified ellipsometric method considering the spatial effect to show good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results. The new method presented in this letter can be applied to other optical measurement of the periodic or non-periodic film structures.
采用磁控溅射方法在硅衬底上生长了五个不同组分的银铟合金薄膜.采用椭圆偏振光谱仪研究银铟合金薄膜的光学性质.银基金属薄膜一般在3.9 e V附近出现典型的带间跃迁.随着铟含量的增加,银铟合金薄膜的介电函数呈现出明显增加的趋势,典型带间跃迁能量也出现蓝移.结果表明,银铟合金薄膜的光学性质可以通过其中铟元素的含量进行调控.Ag0.93In0.07薄膜比其他四种组分的银铟合金薄膜有着更大的品质因子(Q因子),而且在一些波段甚至比纯金属金和铜的Q因子都要大,这表明银铟合金材料具有成为新型等离子体材料的潜力.