Pellet target is one of the main candidate targets in CSRm (cooler storage ring’s main ring) for hadron physics studies. Pellet speed is an important physical parameter for the target. Larger pellet speed could shorten the interacting time interval between the pellet and the cyclotron beam, and thus results in a small temperature variation for the pellet. This could make the pellet facility work in a stable condition. A fluid dynamic simulation was carried out for the pellet speed, and it was found that the maximum speed for the target pellet may be restricted to about 100 m/s even if all working parameters were set to their optimal values.
Recent commissioning of the HIRFL-CSR has demonstrated its ability to perform direct mass measurement for short-lived nuclides. Projectile fragments produced by the 78Kr ions at 481.88 MeV/u were separated with the new radioactive beam line in Lanzhou (RIBLL2), and injected into and stored in the experimental storage ring (CSRe). By operating the CSRe as an isochronous mass spectrometry, a typical mass resolution around 2.0×10?5 has been achieved. The masses for 63Ge, 65As and 67Se were measured for the first time. The measured masses are compared with theoretical predictions and the location of the proton drip-line for As isotopes is discussed. The implication of the 65As mass in the astrophysical rapid proton capture process has also been addressed.