In this paper we solve spin-weighted spheroidal wave equations through super-symmetric quantum mechanics with a different expression of the super-potential. We use the shape invariance property to compute the "excited" eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The results are beneficial to researchers for understanding the properties of the spin-weighted spheroidal wave more deeply, especially its integrability.
In this paper, we combine the perturbation method in supersymmetric quantum mechanics with the WKB method to restudy an angular equation coming from the wave equations for a Sehwarzschild black hole with a straight string passing through it. This angular equation serves as a naive model for our investigation of the combination of supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the WKB method, and will provide valuable insight for our further study of the WKB approximation in real problems, like the one in spheroidal equations, etc.
Using adiabatic approximation, a two arbitrary qubits Rabi model has been studied in ultra-strong coupling. The analytical expressions of the eigenvalues and the eigenvalues are obtained. They are in accordance with the numerical determined results. The dynamical behavior of the system and the evolution of entanglement have also been discussed. The collapse and revival phenomena has garnered particular attention. The influence of inconsistent coupling strength on them is studied. These results will be applied in quantum information processing.
利用二维动力学模型,通过变化MOCVD(metal organic chemical vapor deposition)反应器的进气流量、操作压力、衬底温度、基座旋转等几个重要工艺控制参数,计算了反应器内部均匀的流场和热场分布的形态变化,描述了输运过程中产生的多种流动现象,并给出了相应的分析与说明.在此基础上,通过微扰反应器的进气量,计算并图形化了质量输运过程的瞬态行为,分析了延迟时间、驰豫振荡、自脉动振荡等瞬态现象产生的原因,为高品质外延生长工艺的设计与实施,提供了有益的解决途径.