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作品数:4 被引量:5H指数:2


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 4篇医药卫生


  • 4篇HERV-W
  • 3篇ENV
  • 3篇W
  • 1篇多发
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  • 1篇多发性硬化
  • 1篇多发性硬化症
  • 1篇硬化症
  • 1篇精神分裂症
  • 1篇家族
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  • 1篇武汉大学


  • 1篇朱帆


  • 3篇Virolo...
  • 1篇微生物与感染


  • 1篇2023
  • 1篇2019
  • 2篇2017
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Human leukemia antigen-A0201-restricted epitopes of humanendogenous retrovirus W family envelope(HERV-W env)inducestrong cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses被引量:4
Human endogenous retrovirus W family(HERV-W) envelope(env) has been reported to be related to several human diseases, including autoimmune disorders, and it could activate innate immunity.However, there are no reports investigating whether human leukemia antigen(HLA)-A~*0201^+restriction is involved in the immune response caused by HERV-W env in neuropsychiatric diseases. In the present study, HERV-W env-derived epitopes presented by HLA-A~*0201 are described with the potential for use in adoptive immunotherapy. Five peptides displaying HLAA~*0201-binding motifs were predicted using SYFEPITHI and BIMAS, and synthesized. A CCK-8 assay showed peptides W, Q and T promoted lymphocyte proliferation. Stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HLA-A~*0201^+ donors with each of these peptides induced peptidespecific CD8^+ T cells. High numbers of IFN-γ-secreting T cells were also detectable after several weekly stimulations with W, Q and T. Besides lysis of HERV-W env-loaded target cells, specific apoptosis was also observed. These data demonstrate that human T cells can be sensitized toward HERV-W env peptides(W, Q and T) and, moreover, pose a high killing potential toward HERV-W env-expressing U251 cells. In conclusion, peptides W Q and T, which are HERV-W env antigenic epitopes, have both antigenicity and immunogenicity, and can cause strong T cell immune responses. Our data strengthen the view that HERV-W env should be considered as an autoantigen that can induce autoimmunity in neuropsychiatric diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia. These data might provide an experimental foundation for a HERV-W env peptide vaccine and new insight into the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases.
Xiaoning TuShan LiLijuan ZhaoRan XiaoXiuling WangFan Zhu
人内源性逆转录病毒(human endogenous retroviruses,HERV)是几百万年前整合至人类基因组并遗传至今的外源性逆转录病毒的残余物。因突变、缺失等导致大多数HERV没有完整的开放读码框,但仍有部分家族成员可编码完整的病毒蛋白,如分离自多发性硬化症患者的γ逆转录病毒相似元件家族成员HERV-W的包膜蛋白基因(HERV-W env,又称ERVWE1)编码的ENV蛋白(又称Syncytin-1),在人胎盘发育过程中起细胞融合以及免疫调节作用。在生理条件下,HERV-W受到表观遗传调控而其转录活性被抑制;但亦可被环境、遗传等因素激活,如自身免疫性疾病、精神疾病及癌症等。研究发现HERV-W可能在疾病的发生、发展中起重要的“桥梁”与“触发”作用,靶向Syncytin-1的单克隆抗体GNbAC1已用于多发性硬化症的临床研究,并且在1型糖尿病中也有良好的应用前景。对HERV-W的深入研究可为某些疾病的诊断和治疗提供重要的途径。
Human endogenous retrovirus W env increases nitric oxide production and enhances the migration ability of microglia by regulating the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase被引量:4
Human endogenous retrovirus W env(HERV-W env) plays a critical role in many neuropsychological diseases such as schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis(MS). These diseases are accompanied by immunological reactions in the central nervous system(CNS). Microglia are important immunocytes in brain inflammation that can produce a gasotransmitter – nitric oxide(NO). NO not only plays a role in the function of neuronal cells but also participates in the pathogenesis of various neuropsychological diseases. In this study, we reported increased NO production in CHME-5 microglia cells after they were transfected with HERV-W env. Moreover, HERV-W env increased the expression and function of human inducible nitric oxide synthase(hi NOS) and enhanced the promoter activity of hi NOS. Microglial migration was also enhanced. These data revealed that HERV-W env might contribute to increase NO production and microglial migration ability in neuropsychological disorders by regulating the expression of inducible NOS. Results from this study might lead to the identification of novel targets for the treatment of neuropsychological diseases, including neuroinflammatory diseases, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Ran XiaoShan LiQian CaoXiuling WangQiujin YanXiaoning TuYing ZhuFan Zhu
Domesticated HERV-W env contributes to the activation of the small conductance Ca^(2+)-activated K^(+)type 2 channels via decreased 5-HT4 receptor in recent-onset schizophrenia被引量:1
The human endogenous retroviruses type W family envelope(HERV-W env)gene is located on chromosome 7q21-22.Our previous studies show that HERV-W env is elevated in schizophrenia and HERV-W env can increase cal-cium influx.Additionally,the 5-HTergie system and particularly 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT)receptors play a prominent role in the pathogenesis and treatment of schizophrenia.5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4(5-HT4R)agonist can block calcium channels.However,the underlying relationship between HERV-W env and 5-HT4R in the etiology of schizophrenia has not been revealed.Here,we used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect the concentration of HERV-W env and 5-HT4R in the plasma of patients with schizophrenia and we found that there were decreased levels of 5-HT4R and a negative correlation between 5-HT4R and HERV-W env in schizophrenia.Overexpression of HERV-W env decreased the transcription and protein levels of 5-HT4R but increased small conductance Ca^(2+)-activated K^(+)type 2 channels(SK2)expression levels.Further studies revealed that HERV-w env could interact with 5-HT4R.Additionally,luciferase assay showed that an essential region(-364 to-176 from the transcription start site)in the SK2 promoter was required for HERV-W env-induced SK2 expression.Importantly,5-HT4R participated in the regulation of SK2 expression and promoter activity.Electrophysiological recordings suggested that HERV-Wenv could increase SK2 channel currents and the increase of SK2 currents was inhibited by 5-HT4R.In condusion,HERV-W env could activate SK2 channels via decreased 5-HT4R,which might exhibit a novel mechanism for HERV-Wenv to influence neuronal activity in schizophrenia.
Xiulin WuaQiujin YanLianzhong LiuXing XueWei YaoXuhang LiWenshi LiShuang DingYaru XiaDongyan ZhangFan Zhu