Let Uq(osp(1|2n)) be the quantized enveloping superalgebra corresponding to the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2n). In terms of semistandard Young tableaux satisfying some additional conditions, a realization of crystal graph of finite-dimensional irreducible modules of Uq(osp(1|2n)) is given. Also, the generalized LittlewoodRichardson rule for tensor product of crystal graphs is established.
Let (Г, I) be the bound quiver of a cyclic quiver whose vertices correspond to the Abelian group ? d . In this paper, we list all indecomposable representations of (θ, I) and give the conditions that those representations of them can be extended to representations of deformed preprojective algebra Пλ(Г, I). It is shown that those representations given by extending indecomposable representations of (Г, I) are all simple representations of Пλ(Г, I). Therefore, it is concluded that all simple representations of restricted quantum group ū q (sl 2) are realized in terms of deformed preprojective algebra.