A single-channel far-infrared (FIR) laser interferometer was developed to measure the line averaged electron density on the EAST tokamak. The structure of the single-channel FIR laser interferometer is described in detail. The evolution of density sawtooth oscillation was measured by means the FIR laser interferometer, and was identified by electron cyclotron emission (ECE) signals and soft X-ray intensity. The discharges with and without sawtooth were compared with each other in the Hugill diagram.
Intermittent characteristics of turbulence induced by coherent structures (blobs) was clearly observed in the ion saturation current signal, density fluctuation, particle flux and heat flux in HT-7. It is obvious that ion saturation current signal has deviated from Gaussian distribution and the skewness (S) and flatness (K) of signal increase radially outwards in the scrape-off layer (SOL). Using conditional analysis (CA), asymmetric character of the intermittent bursts are demonstrated. Owing to the radial propagation of the coherent structures, the particle density profile in SOL is non-exponential and flat outwards from the last close flux surface (LCFS). It is found around LCFS that the large burst fluctuations (above 2.5 rms) are responsible for about 50% of the total particle transport. Burst events move radially outwards with Ee ~ B velocity, and the blob size can be calculated as 5r ~ V^rc. Our experiment shows that the blob size, life time and drift velocity experienced a pronounced decorrelation in the shear layer. The electrostatic Reynolds stress components become very strong and show a radially steep gradient in the proximity of the shear layer. These experimental findings may imply that the coherent structures are titled by the developed shear flow in the E × B shear layer.
The strongly damped collisions of very heavy nuclei ^232Th+^250Cf at the energy range of 680--1880 MeV have been studied within the improved quantum molecular dynamics model. The production probability of primary superheavy fragments with Z≥ 114 (SHFs) for the asymmetric reaction ^232Th+^250cf is higher than that for the symmetric reaction ^244Pu+^244pu and ^238U+^238U. The calculated results show that the mass and charge distributions of primary fragments, the excitation energy distribution of SHFs depend on the incident energies strongly. Two stages of the decay process of composite systems are distinguished by very different decay slopes, which imply different decay mechanisms of the composite system. The first stage is for the decay of giant composite systems and the second one corresponds to the decay of fragments of giant composite systems including SHFs through emitting neutron, proton or other charged particles, and also through fission or fragmentation. The slow reduction of SHFs in the second stage seems to be helpful for the survival of primary superheavy fragments.