Detailed conodont analysis on the Yangjuan-Chupiwa section, Xinmin, Panxian County, Guizhou Province, revealed a conodont sequence including four Anisian conodont zones, viz. Nicoraella germanica Zone, Nc. kockeli Zone, Paragondolella bifurcata Zone and Neogondolella constricta Zone. These zones indicate that the upper Guanling Formation consists of strata from the Bithynian to the lllyrian of the Anisian. Appearance of Neogondolella constricta suggests that the Anisian/Ladinian boundary might be in the overlying Yangliujing Formation. The Panxian Fauna with well-preserved marine reptile and fish fossils is proved to belong to the lower part of the conodont Nc. kockeli Zone in the studied area. Thus, the age of the Panxian Fauna could be the early Pelsonian of the Anisian.
锐星珊瑚(Argutastrea)是泥盆纪地层中常见的一种块状群体珊瑚,它在生物地层对比、生物地理区系划分以及古生态与古地理重建等方面都具有重要的意义。通过近年来对华南独山和奥地利格拉茨两地采集的Argutastrea群体珊瑚标本进行比较深入的对比研究,确认两地存在着一些十分相似的属种,推断彼此之间当时可能海域相通,并同属于一个老世界生物地理大区(Old World Real m)。此外,还讨论了该属与其相关的六方珊瑚(Hexagonaria)、多角珊瑚(Prismatophyllum)等属之间的异同。