With the aim to examine variations in the migration phenology and population of N. lugens along with the advance/retreat of the Asian summer monsoon(ASM) and lay the foundation for further study on predicting the timing and location of N. lugens outbreak, correlation analysis and spatial analysis were applied for estimating the impact of the ASM and its related meteorological factors on the migration phenology and population of N. lugens in China in this paper. The ASM had a positive effect on the occurrence and outbreak of N. lugens. First, the first appearance date of N.lugens was consistent with seasonal advances of the northernmost location of the ASM, and the ASM provided the dynamic condition for the northward migration of N. lugens. Second, outbreak of N. lugens occurred in the area under the control of the ASM, and the ASM provided the survival condition for the population of N. lugens. Third, the population was positively related to the northernmost location of the ASM, θ_E(850 hPa) and wind speed(850 hPa).Particularly, the stronger southwest wind caused the date of the first, peak and last catches of N. lugens to turn up earlier than in the extremely years.
LIU YaoBAO Yun-xuanSUN Si-siZHENG Teng-feiLU Ming-hongXIE Xiao-jinLIU Wan-cai
In order to clarify the statistical pattern by which landfalling strong tropical cyclones(LSTCs)influenced the catastrophic migrations of rice brown planthopper(BPH),Nilaparvata lugens(stl)in China,the data of the LSTCs in China and the lighting catches of BPH that covered the main Chinese rice-growing regions from 1979 to 2008 were collected and analyzed in this work with the assistance of ArcGIS9.3,a software of geographic information system.The results were as follows:(1)In China,there were 220 strong tropical cyclones that passed the main rice-growing regions and 466 great events of BPH’s immigration in the 30 years from 1979 to 2008.73 of them resulted in the occurrence of BPH’s catastrphic migration(CM)events directly and 147 of them produced indirect effect on the migrations.(2)The number of the LSTCs was variable in different years during 1979 to 2008 and their influence was not the same in the BPH’s northward and southward migrations in the years.In the 30 years,the LSTCs brought more obvious influence on the migrations in 1980,1981,2005,2006 and 2007.The influence was the most obvious in2007 and all of the 7 LSTCs produced remarkable impact on the CMs of BPH’s populations.The effect of the LSTCs on the northward immigration of BPH’s populations was the most serious in 2006 and the influence on the southward immigration was the most remarkable in 2005.(3)In these years,the most of LSTCs occurred in July,August and September and great events of BPH's immigration occurred most frequently in the same months.The LSTCs played a more important role on the CM of BPH’s populations in the three months than in other months.(4)The analysis on the spatial distribution of the LSTCs and BPH’s immigration events for the different provinces showed that the BPH’s migrations in the main rice-growing regions of the Southeastern China were influenced by the LSTCs and the impact was different with the change of their spatial probability distribution during their passages.The most serious influence of the L
稻纵卷叶螟因其发生面积大、暴发频率高、致害程度重而成为我国水稻生产上的重要害虫。为了阐明大气背景对其北迁重大过程的影响,利用2000—2012年中国稻纵卷叶螟灯诱数据分析了我国水稻主产区稻纵卷叶螟迁入的主要特征;选取2007年7月下旬的一次重大北迁过程作为典型个例,运用中尺度天气研究和预报模式WRF,结合NCEP气象再分析资料,模拟了这一过程的大气背景,推算了稻纵卷叶螟的迁飞轨迹,并分析了大气背景对稻纵卷叶螟灾变性迁入的影响。研究表明:(1)这13年中,我国稻纵卷叶螟的迁入大多在3月初始见,3—8月为北迁期,从南到北先后在华南、西南、江岭、江淮稻区出现迁入峰;9—11月为南迁期,从北到南先后迁入江淮、江岭、华南稻区并出现相应的迁入峰,10月底至11月初为终见期。(2)北迁个例中各站逆推轨迹分析显示:包括再迁飞在内的不同时段虫源地基本上位于降虫区的西南方,迁飞高度都变化于550—850 m之间,但在沿海地区降落的稻纵卷叶螟迁飞轨迹是复杂的。(3)水平气流是稻纵卷叶螟远距离北迁的主要运载动力,925 h Pa上南方稻区一致的偏南气流对稻纵卷叶螟北迁极为有利;三维流场的起伏、特别是垂直气流的强弱变化对迁飞高度的变化起重要的作用。(4)下沉气流和降水是稻纵卷叶螟降落的关键动力因素,两者都对降虫有明显影响。(5)在这一北迁过程中,稻纵卷叶螟种群多降落在相对湿度大的区域,降虫区的相对湿度均在75%以上。