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22 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Growth and properties of wide spectral white light emitting diodes
Wide spectral white light emitting diodes have been designed and grown on a sapphire substrate by using a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition system. Three quantum wells with blue-light-emitting, green-light-emitting and red-light-emitting structures were grown according to the design. The surface morphology of the film was observed by using atomic force microscopy. The films were characterized by their photoluminescence measurements. X-ray diffraction t9/2/9 scan spectroscopy was carried out on the multi-quantum wells. The secondary fringes of the symmetric ω/2θ X-ray diffraction scan peaks indicate that the thicknesses and the alloy compositions of the individual quantum wells are repeatable throughout the active region. The room temperature photoluminescence spectra of the structures indicate that the white light emission of the multi-quantum wells is obtained. The light spectrum covers 400 700 nm, which is almost the whole visible light spectrum.
Enhanced Light Output of InGaN-Based Light Emitting Diodes with Roughed p-Type GaN Surface by Using Ni Nanoporous Template
Roughened surfaces of light-emitting diodes(LEDs)provide substantial improvement in light extraction efficiency.By preparing the self-assemble nanoporous Ni template through rapid annealing of a thin Ni film,followed by a low damage dry etching process,a p-side-up LED with a roughened surface has been fabricated.Compared to a conventional LED with plane surface,the light output of LEDs with nanoporous p-GaN surface increases up to 71%and 36%at applied currents of 1 mA and 20 mA,respectively.Meanwhile,the electrical characteristics are not degraded obviously after surface roughening.
YU Zhi-GuoCHEN PengYANG Guo-FengLIU BinXIE Zi-LiXIU Xiang-QianWU Zhen-LongXU FengXU ZhouHUA Xue-MeiHAN PingSHI YiZHANG RongZHENG You-Dou
Surface morphology and composition studies in InGaN/GaN film grown by MOCVD被引量:2
InGaN films were deposited on(0001) sapphire substrates with GaN buffer layers under different growth temperatures by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.The In-composition of InGaN film was approximately controlled by changing the growth temperature.The connection between the growth temperature,In content,surface morphology and defect formation was obtained by X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and atomic force microscopy(AFM).Meanwhile,by comparing the SEM and AFM surface morphology images,we proposed several models of three different defects and discussed the mechanism of formation.The prominent effect of higher growth temperature on the quality of the InGaN films and defect control were found by studying InGaN films at various growth temperatures.
Influence of Dry Etching Damage on the Internal Quantum Efficiency of Nanorod InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells
The influence of dry etching damage on the internal quantum efficiency of InGaN/GaN nanorod multiple quantum wells (MQWs) is studied.The samples were etched by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching via a selfassembled nickel nanomask,and examined by room-temperature photoluminescence measurement.The key parameters in the etching process are rf power and ICP power.The internal quantum efficiency of nanorod MQWs shows a 5.6 times decrease substantially with the rf power increasing from 3W to 100W.However,it is slightly influenced by the ICP power,which shows 30% variation over a wide ICP power range between 30W and 600W.Under the optimized etching condition,the internal quantum efficiency of nanorod MQWs can be 40% that of the as-grown MQW sample,and the external quantum efficiency of nanorod MQWs can be about 4 times that of the as-grown one.
YU Zhi-GuoCHEN PengYANG Guo-FengLIU BinXIE Zi-LiXIU Xiang-QianWU Zhen-LongXU FengXU ZhouHUA Xue-MeiHAN PingSHI YiZHANG RongZHENG You-Dou
The growth and properties of an m-plane InN epilayer on LiAlO_2 (100) by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
The m-plane InN (1 100) epilayers have been grown on a LiAlO2 (1 0 0) substrate by a two-step growth method using a met- al-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system. The low temperature InN buffer layer (LT-InN) is introduced to overcome the drawbacks of thermal instability of LiAlO2 (LAO) and to relieve the strains due to a large thermal mismatch be- tween LAO and InN. Then the high temperature m-plane InN (1 1 00) epilayers (HT-InN) were grown. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) suggest that the m-plane InN (1 1 00) epilayer is a single crystal. The X-ray rocking curves (co scans) (XRC) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicate that the m-plane InN (1 1 00) epilayer has anisotropic crystallographic properties. The PL studies of the materials reveal a remarkable energy band gap structure around 0.70 eV at 15 K.
A model for thermal annealing on forming In—N clusters in InGaNP
We develop a model for the effect of thermal annealing on forming In--N dusters in GalnNP according to thermodynamics. The average energy variation for forming an In--N bond in the model is estimated according to the theoretical calculation. Using the model, the added number of In--N bonds per mol of InGaNP, the added number of nearest-neighbor In atoms per N atom and the average number of nearest-neighbor In atoms per N atom after annealing are calculated. The different function of In--N clusters in InGaNP and InGaN is also discussed, which is due to the different environments around the In--N clusters.
GaN hexagonal pyramids formed by a photo-assisted chemical etching method
A series of experiments were conducted to systematically study the effects of etching conditions on GaN by a con-venient photo-assisted chemical (PAC) etching method. The solution concentration has an evident influence on the surface morphology of GaN and the optimal solution concentrations for GaN hexagonal pyramids have been identified. GaN with hexagonal pyramids have higher crystal quality and tensile strain relaxation compared with as-grown GaN. A detailed anal- ysis about evolution of the size, density and optical property of GaN hexagonal pyramids is described as a function of light intensity. The intensity of photoluminescence spectra of GaN etched with hexagonal pyramids significantly increases compared to that of as-grown GaN due to multiple scattering events, high quality GaN with pyramids and the Bragg effect.
系统研究了低温成核层生长时间、高温生长时的V/III比以及生长温度对氢化物气相外延生长GaN膜晶体质量的影响.研究发现合适的低温成核层为后续高温生长提供成核中心,并能有效降低外延膜与衬底间的界面自由能,促进成核岛的横向生长;优化的V/III比和最佳生长温度有利于降低晶体缺陷密度,促进横向生长,增强外延膜的二维生长.利用扫描电子显微镜、原子力显微镜、高分辨X射线衍射、低温光致发光谱和室温拉曼光谱对优化条件下生长的GaN外延膜进行了结构和光电特性表征.测试结果表明,膜表面平整光滑,呈现二维生长模式表面形貌;(002)和(102)面摇摆曲线半高宽分别为317和343 arcsec;低温光致发光谱中近带边发射峰为3.478 eV附近的中性施主束缚激子发射峰,存在11 meV的蓝移,半高宽为10 meV,并且黄带发光强度很弱;常温拉曼光谱中E2(high)峰发生1.1 cm 1蓝移.结果表明,优化条件下生长的GaN外延膜具有良好的晶体质量和光电特性,但GaN膜中存在压应力.
The enhancement of light-emitting efficiency using GaN-based multiple quantum well light-emitting diodes with nanopillar arrays
The quest for higher modulation speed and lower energy consumption has inevitably promoted the rapid development of semiconductor-based solid lighting devices in recent years. GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have emerged as promising candidates for achieving high efficiency and high intensity, and have received increasing attention among many researchers in this field. In this paper, we use a self-assembled array-patterned mask to fabricate InGaN/GaN multi- quantum well (MQW) LEDs with the intention of enhancing the light-emitting efficiency. By utilizing inductively coupled plasma etching with a self-assembled Ni cluster as the mask, nanopillar arrays are formed on the surface of the InGaN/GaN MQWs. We then observe the structure of the nanopillars and find that the V-defects on the surface of the conventional structure and the negative effects of threading dislocation are effectively reduced. Simultaneously, we make a comparison of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum between the conventional structure and the nanopillar arrays, achieved under an experimental set-up with an excitation wavelength of 325 mm. The analysis demonstrates that MQW-LEDs with nanopillar arrays achieve a PL intensity 2.7 times that of conventional LEDs. In response to the PL spectrum, some reasons are proposed for the enhancement in the light-emitting efficiency as follows: 1) the improvement in crystal quality, namely the reduction in V-defects; 2) the roughened surface effect on the expansion of the critical angle and the attenuated total reflection; and 3) the enhancement of the light-extraction efficiency due to forward scattering by surface plasmon polariton modes in Ni particles deposited above the p-type GaN layer at the top of the nanopillars.