By virtue of the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators we present a new approach to obtain operators' normal ordering. We first put operators into their Weyl ordering through the Weyl-Wigner quantization scheme, and then we convert the Weyl ordered operators into normal ordering by virtue of the normally ordered form of the Wigner operator.
Using the Weyl ordering of operators expansion formula (Hong-Yi Fan, J. Phys.A 25 (1992) 3443) this paper finds a kind of two-fold integration transformation about the Wigner operator △( q',p) q-number transform) in phase space quantum mechanics,∫∫∞-∞dp'dq'/π △(q',p')e-2i( p-p')( q-q')=δ( p-P)δ( q-Q),∫∫∞-∞dqdpδ(p-P)δ(q-Q)e2i(p-p')(q-q')=△(q',p'),whereQ,P are the coordinate and momentum operators, respectively. We apply it to study mutual converting formulae among Q-P ordering, P-Q ordering and Weyl ordering of operators. In this way, the contents of phase space quantum mechanics can be enriched. The formula of the Weyl ordering of operators expansion and the technique of integration within the Weyl ordered product of operators are used in this discussion.
We show that the quantum-mechanical fundamental representations, say, the coordinate representation, the coherent state representation, the Fan-Klauder entangled state representation can be recast into s-ordering operator expansion, which is elegant in form and has many applications in deriving new operator identities. This demonstrates that Dirac's symbolic method can be merged into Newton-Leibniz integration theory in a broad way.
FAN HongYi 1,3 , XU YeJun 2 & YUAN HongChun 3,4 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
By introducing the s-parameterized generalized Wigner operator into phase-space quantum mechanics we invent the technique of integration within s-ordered product of operators (which considers normally ordered, antinormally ordered and Weyl ordered product of operators as its special cases). The s-ordered operator expansion (denoted by s…s ) formula of density operators is derived, which isρ=2/1-s∫d^2β/π〈-β|ρ|β〉sexp{2/s-1(s|β|^2-β*α+βa-αα)}s The s-parameterized quantization scheme is thus completely established.
By introducing the two-mode entangled state representation 〈η| whose one mode is a fictitious one accompanying the system mode, this paper presents a new approach for deriving density operator for describing continuum photodetection process.
By using the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators, the normal ordered density operator of the photon-subtracted squeezed thermal state (PSSTS) is derived. Then the corresponding Wigner function is presented by using the coherent state representation of the Wigner operator. The nonclassical properties of the PSSTS are discussed based on the negativity of the Wigner function.
By introducing the entangled Fresnel operator (EFO) this paper demonstrates that there exists ABCD theorem for two-mode entangled case in quantum optics. The canonical operator method as mapping of ray-transfer ABCD matrix is explicitly shown by EFO's normally ordered expansion through the coherent state representation and the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators.
1. Introduction In quantum optics, optical frequency conversion is a typical nonlinear process and is worth studying, for example, a second harmonic frequency generation will generate a squeezed state.[1'2l In this work, we tackle the evolution of an initial coherent state in a Raman dispersion process which is also a nonlinear process. The process involves the inelastic scattering of a pho- ton when it is incident on a molecule. The photon loses some of its energy to the molecule or gains some from it, and so leaves the molecule with a lower or a higher frequency. The lower frequency components of the scattered radiation are called the Stokes lines and the higher frequency components are called the anti- Stokes lines. The Hamiltonian governing its dynamics is[3]
A general framework applicable to deriving the s-ordered operator expansions is presented in this paper.We firstly deduce the s-ordered operator expansion formula of density operator ρ a?,a and introduce the technique of integration within the sordered product of operators (IWSOP).Based on the deduction and the technique,we derive the s-ordered expansions of operators (μX + νP)n and Hn (μX + νP) (linear combinations of the coordinate operator X and the momentum operator P,Hn (x) is Hermite polynomial),respectively,and discuss some special cases of s=1,0,-1.Some new useful operator identities are obtained as well.
This paper solves the newly constructed nonlinear master equation dρ/dt = κ[2f (N) aρ (1/f (N - 1))a^+ -a^+aρ- ρa^+a], where f(N) is an operator-valued function of N = a^+a, for describing amplitude damping channel, and derives the infinite operator sum representation of quasi-Kraus operators for the density operator. It also shows that in this nonlinear process the initial pure number state density operator will evolve into the binomial field (a mixed state) when f (N) = 1√N + 1.