螺旋波等离子体源以其高电离效率与高密度优势受到多个领域的青睐。螺旋波放电高电离效率的机理或者功率耦合模式,一直是困扰该领域学者的难点之一,对于放电过程与特性的诊断则是揭示其物理机制的重要途径。光谱诊断能够克服介入式诊断手段对等离子体的干扰同时受等离子体烧蚀等弊端,且响应速度快、操作灵活。为研究螺旋波等离子体的放电特性以及气体压力的影响,开展了以氩气为工质气体的光谱实验研究,并针对实验开展了Helic程序数值模拟。通过改变光纤探头焦距调整径向诊断位置,得到谱线强度的径向分布。由氩原子4p-4s能级跃迁产生的谱线主要集中在740~920 nm区间,谱线相对强度较离子激发谱线较强。实验研究发现,在较低氩气压力范围(0.2 Pa< P Ar <1.0 Pa),随着压力增加,放电光强迅速增加,但是当压力增加到大于1.0 Pa之后,光强增长的趋势变缓,甚至部分谱线的相对强度不再增长,达到类饱和状态,朗缪尔探针测量得到离子密度变化趋势与其相似。光强分布在靠近径向边界处( r ≈4 cm)存在凸起,且随压力增加,该凸起分布更为明显。通过对电子温度的计算发现,压力增加到一定程度将影响放电均匀性。仿真结果显示,增大压力,功率沉积密度的径向分布逐渐向径向边界处积累,与实验观察到的谱线强度径向凸起相一致,螺旋波与TG波的耦合效率增加。随着气体压力的增加,Er的径向边界峰值降低,原因是波所受阻尼增强, TG波被有效地局限于径向较窄的边界处。电流密度轴向分量Jz在等离子体内部和边界处的峰值呈显著的减小趋势,可见,虽然压力增加一定程度上提高了等离子体密度,但却相应的减小了电离率,导致轴向电流密度受限。但是径向电流密度Jr却呈现先减小后增大的趋势,且增长幅度明显,综合来看,放电效率有所提高。可见适当增加气�
In order to reveal the mechanism of MHD-assisted mixing, and analyse the major parameters which influence the effect of MHD-assisted mixing, experiments of MHD-assisted mixing are carried out with a non-premixed butane-air combustion system. The evolvement of the discharge section and the effect of MHD-assisted mixing on combustion are investigated by changing the magnetic flux density and airflow velocity. The results show that the discharge area not only bends but also rotates around the centered wire electrode, which are mainly caused by the Lorentz force. Moreover, the highest curvature occurs near the centered wire electrode.The discharge localizes near the surface of the wire electrode and annular electrode when there is no ponderomotive force. However, if the ponderomotive force is applied, the discharge happens between these two electrodes and it gradually shrinks with time. The discharge area cannot localize near the annular electrode, which is due to the increase of energy loss in the airflow.When the airflow velocity exceeds a certain value, the discharge section becomes unstable because the injected energy cannot maintain the discharge. The rotation motion of the discharge section could enlarge the contact surface between butane and air, and is therefore beneficial for mixing and combustion. Magnetic flux density and airflow velocity are critical parameters for MHD-assisted mixing.
This study demonstrates the potential for shock wave-boundary layer interaction control in air by plasma aerodynamic actuation.Experimental investigations on shock wave-boundary layer interactions control by plasma aerodynamic actuation are conducted in a Mach 3 in-draft air tunnel.Schlieren imaging shows that the discharges cause the oblique shock to move forward.Schlieren imaging and static pressure probes also show that separation phenomenon shifts backward and the size of separation is enlarged when plasma aerodynamic actuation is applied.The intensity of shock wave is weakened through wall pressure probe.Furthermore,numerical investigations on shock wave-boundary layer interactions control are conducted with plasma aerodynamic actuation.The discharge is modeled as a steady volumetric heat source which is integrated into the energy equation.The input energy level is about 7 kW through discharge process.Results show that the separation phenomenon shifts backward and the intensity of shock is reduced with plasma actuation.These numerical results are consistent with the experimental results.
SUN QuanLI YingHongCUI WeiCHENG BangQinLI JunDAI Hui
The plasma synthetic jet is a novel flow control approach which is currently being studied. In this paper its characteristic and control effect on supersonic flow is investigated both experimentally and numerically. In the experiment, the formation of plasma synthetic jet and its propagation velocity in quiescent air are recorded and calculated with time resolved schlieren method. The jet velocity is up to 100 m/s and no remarkable difference has been found after changing discharge parameters. When applied in Mach 2 supersonic flow, an obvious shockwave can be observed. In the modeling of electrical heating, the arc domain is not defined as an initial condition with fixed temperature or pressure, but a source term with time-varying input power density, which is expected to better describe the influence of heating process. Velocity variation with different heating efficiencies is presented and discussed and a peak velocity of 850 m/s is achieved in still air with heating power density of 5.0 · 1012W/m3. For more details on the interaction between plasma synthetic jet and supersonic flow, the plasma synthetic jet induced shockwave and the disturbances in the boundary layer are numerically researched. All the results have demonstrated the control authority of plasma synthetic jet onto supersonic flow.
Jin DiCui WeiLi YinghongLi FanyuJia MinSun QuanZhang Bailing
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generation with supersonic non-equilibrium plasma is demonstrated. Capacitively coupled radio frequency (RF) discharge (6 MHz, maximum continual power output of 200 W) was adopted to ionize the Mach number 3.5 (650 m/s), 0.023 kg/m(3) airflow. In a MHD channel of 16 mm x 10 mm x 20 mm, MHD open voltage of 10 V is realized in the magnetic field of 1.25 T, and power of 0.12 mW is extracted steadily and continuously in the magnetic field of 1 T. The reasons for limited power generation are proposed as: low conductivity of RF discharge; large touch resistance between MHD electrode and plasma; strong current eddies due to flow boundary layer. In addition, the cathode voltage fall is too low to have obvious effects on MHD power generation. (C) 2016 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.
Yang PengyuZhang BailingLi YiwenWang YutianDuan ChengduoFan HaoGao Ling