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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
本文将NCAR中心研制的CAM3.0大气环流模式和SOM3.0(Slab Ocean Model Version3.0)混合层海洋模式耦合运行的简单海气耦合模式,同时利用CCSM3.0(Community Climate...
Application of the two different salinity parameterization schemes in the sea ice model
In this study, we mainly introduce two salinity parameterization schemes used in Sea Ice Simulator (SIS), that is, isosaline scheme and salinity profile scheme. Comparing the equation of isosaline scheme with that of salinity profile scheme, we found that there was one different term between the two schemes named the salinity different term. The thermodynamic effect of the salinity difference term on sea ice thickness and sea ice concentration showed that: in the freezing processes from November to next May, the sea ice temperature could rise on the influence of the salinity difference term and restrain sea ice freezing; at the first melting phase from June to August, the upper ice melting rate was faster than the lower ice melting rate. Then sea ice temperature could rise and accelerate the sea ice melting; at the second melting phase from September to October, the upper ice melting rate was slower than the lower ice melting rate, then sea ice temperature could decrease and restrain sea ice melting. However, the effect of the salinity difference term on the sea ice thickness and sea ice concentration was weak. To analyze the impacts of the salinity different term on Arctic sea ice thickness and sea ice concentration, we also designed several experiments by introducing the two salinity parameterizations to the ice-ocean coupled model, Modular Ocean Model (MOM4), respectively. The simulated results confirmed the previous results of formula derivation.
Using the physical decomposition method to study the effects of Arctic factors on wintertime temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere and China被引量:1
The physical decomposition method separates atmospheric variables into four parts, correlating each with solar radiation, land-sea distribution, and inter-annual and seasonal internal forcing, strengthening the anomaly signal and increasing the correlation between variables. This method was applied to the reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR), to study the effects of Arctic factors (Arctic oscillation (AO) and Arctic polar vortex) on wintertime temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere and China. It was fotmd that AO effects on zonal average temperature disturbance could persist for 1 month. In the AO negative phase in wintertime, the temperatures are lower in the mid-high latitudes than in normal years, but higher in low latitudes. When the polar vortex area is bigger, the zonal average temperature is lower at 50N. Influenced mainly by meridional circulation enhancement, cold air flows from high to low latitudes; thus, the temperatures in Continental Europe and the North American continent exhibit an antiphase seesaw relationship. When the AO is in negative phase and the Arctic polar vortex larger, the temperature is lower in Siberia, but higher in Greenland and the Bering Strait. Influenced by westerly troughs and ridges, the polar air disperses mainly along the tracks of atmospheric activity centers. The AO index can be considered a predictor of wintertime temperature in China. When the AO is in negative phase or the Asian polar vortex is intensified, temperatures in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia are lower, because under the influence of the Siberia High and northeast cold vortex, the cold air flows southwards.
SUI CuijuanZHANG ZhanhaiCAI YiWU Huiding
北极海冰范围的变化是全球气候变化的一个指示剂。作者在美国冰雪中心发布的北极海冰监测卫星遥感密集度数据基础上,按照海冰密集度大于15%的网格点计算,获得1979-2012年北极海冰季节统计数据集。数据集包括:(1)全北极1979-2012年海冰范围统计数据(Arctic Seasonal Sea Ice19792012-1),包括四季海冰范围统计数据表,全北极海冰范围异常场数据统计表;春季和夏季北极区域海冰范围滑动t统计表;(2)北极各分区海冰范围统计数据,其中包括1979-2012年各季节东半球、西半球、太平洋扇区和大西洋扇区四个海区海冰分布原始场和异常场共8个数据表(Arctic Seasonal Sea Ice19792012-2);(3)2007年9月与2012年9月北极冰密集度数据(Arctic Seasonal Sea Ice19792012-3);(4)北极区域1979-1988、1989-1998、1999-2008和2009-2012的春季、夏季、秋季、冬季的季节平均冰密集度异常数据及对应的空间分布数据(Arctic Seasonal Sea Ice19792012-4);(5)春、夏、秋、冬北极海冰小波分析数据(Arctic Seasonal Sea Ice19792012-5)。本数据集的分析研究成果发表在《极地研究》2015年27卷第2期。
The leading correlation of the winter Aleutian Low with surface air temperature during the subsequent summer over the Arctic and its possible mechanism被引量:1
The variations of surface air temperature(SAT)over the Arctic are closely related to global climate change.Based on reanalysis datasets and a newly defined Aleutian Low intensity index,we found a good correlation between intensity of winter Aleutian Low and the SAT over the Arctic during the subsequent summer.Explanations were given using correlation analysis,composite analysis,and singular value decomposition methods.When intensity of winter Aleutian Low was weaker,sea surface temperature appeared higher in the North Pacific in the subsequent spring and summer,resulting in mean meridional circulation anomalies and 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies in spring and summer.Anomalous upward motion in mid-latitudes and downward motion in high latitudes(Ferrel cell weakening)transported the warmer air to the north from lower layer to the upper layer followed by increases in the SAT over the Arctic.Anomalous downward motion over about 75°N also caused consequent adiabatic warming and contributed to inhibit the heat transportation from surface to upper layer.Negative 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies existed in mid-latitudes and positive anomalies existed in high latitudes.The pattern(low-in-south and high-in-north)benefited from increasing the inflow volume flux of the Bering Strait,which also made the SAT over the Arctic increase.The results of this study reveal the process that the summer SAT over the Arctic was modulated by interannual variability of intensity of winter Aleutian Low.
Fuan XiaoHua JiangBingyi WuHui WangXiang Li