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作品数:3 被引量:4H指数:1


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇天文地球
  • 1篇理学


  • 1篇NEAR
  • 1篇NUMERI...
  • 1篇RECTAN...
  • 1篇STRUCT...
  • 1篇TESTS
  • 1篇VELOCI...
  • 1篇WAVE
  • 1篇ANALYT...
  • 1篇BOUNDA...
  • 1篇BOUSSI...
  • 1篇GENERA...
  • 1篇INCIDE...
  • 1篇LAYER
  • 1篇MODEL
  • 1篇MODEL_...
  • 1篇SPONGE
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  • 3篇China ...


  • 1篇2017
  • 1篇2013
  • 1篇2010
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Tests and Applications of An Approach to Absorbing Reflected Waves Towards Incident Boundary被引量:2
If the upstream boundary conditions are prescribed based on the incident wave only, the time-dependent numerical models cannot effectively simulate the wave field when the physical or spurious reflected waves become significant. This paper describes carefully an approach to specifying the incident wave boundary conditions combined with a set sponge layer to absorb the reflected waves towards the incident boundary. Incorporated into a time-dependent numerical model, whose governing equations are the Boussinesq-type ones, the effectiveness of the approach is studied in detail. The general boundary conditions, describing the down-wave boundary conditions are also generalized to the case of random waves. The numerical model is in detail examined. The test cases include both the normal one-dimensional incident regular or random waves and the two-dimensional oblique incident regular waves. The calculated results show that the present approach is effective on damping the reflected waves towards the incident wave boundary.
Interaction of Oblique Waves and A Rectangular Structure with An Opening Near A Vertical Wall被引量:1
With the method of separation of variables and the eigenfunction expansion employed, an analytical solution is presented for the radiation and diffraction of a rectangular structure with an opening near a vertical wall in oblique seas, in which the unknown coefficients are determined by the boundary conditions and matching requirement on the interface. The effects of the width of the opening and the angle of incidence on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a rectangular structure with an opening near a vertical wall are mainly studied. The comparisons of the calculation results with wall-present and with wall-absent are also made. The results indicate that the variation trends of the heave added mass and excitation force with wall-present are almost the same as those with wall-absent, and that the peak values in the former case are obviously larger than those in the latter due to the reflection of the vertical wall.
ZHANG Hong-shengZHENG Bi-fangYANG Xiao-yan
A Numerical Model of Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Curvilinear Coordinates被引量:1
For the simulation of the nonlinear wave propagation in coastal areas with complex boundaries, a numerical model is developed in curvilinear coordinates. In the model, the Boussinesq-type equations including the dissipation terms are em- ployed as the governing equations. In the present model, the dependent variables of the transformed equations are the free surface elevation and the utility velocity variables, instead of the usual primitive velocity variables. The introduction of utility velocity variables which are the products of the contravariant components of the velocity vector and the Jacobi ma- trix can make the transformed equations relatively concise, the treatment of lateral boundary conditions easier and the de- velopment of the program simpler. The predictor-corrector method and five-point finite-difference scheme are employed to discretize the time derivatives and the spatial ones, respectively. The numerical model is tested for three cases. It is found that the numerical results are in good agreement with the analytical results and experimental data.