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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Changes of Estrogen in Serum and Estrogen Receptor β in the Relevant Brain Regions Following Mating Behavior of the Male Mandarin Vole Microtus mandarinus被引量:2
In order to investigate the estrogen and estrogen receptor β changes after mating behavior of male mandarin vole (Microtus mandarinus), the radioimmunoassay (RIA) and immunohistochemistry methods were used to investigate changes of the serum estrogen (E) concentrations, estrogen immunoreactive neurons (E-IRs) and estrogen receptor β immunoreactive neurons (ERβ-IRs) in the relevant brain regions following mating behavior. Fifteen sexually matured male voles were randomly divided into three groups and treated differently: (1) control group: voles were exposed to clean hard-wood shavings (n=5), (2) exposure group: voles were exposed to the soiled bedding for more than 24h on which estrous females had been placed (n=5), and (3) mating group: voles were placed with an estrous female for more than 24h (n=5). The results showed circulating serum E concentrations were significantly higher in the mating group than in the exposure group and the control group, and there were no significant difference between the exposure group and the control group. E-IRs and ERβ-IRs were detected in the following brain regions related to mating behavior: the arcuate nucleus (ARC), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), lateral septal nucleus (LS), medial amygdaloid nucleus (ME), medial preoptic area (MPO) and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH). The results showed that there were significantly more E-IRs in the six brain regions in the mating group than in the control group and the exposure group, and there were no significant difference between the exposure group and the control group except for LS. There was no significant difference in ERβ-IRs in the six brain regions among the three groups, and there were some lighter -stained ERβ-IRs in these brain regions. The results suggested that estrogen affect mating activity of male mandarin voles, but ERβ might not play an important role in mating behavior of male mandarin voles. Instead, it might be t
应用免疫组织化学方法研究了产后1日龄、10日龄、25日龄、45日龄及60日龄(成体)5个发育阶段的棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)睾丸和附睾中雌二醇(estradiol,E2)的表达.结果表明:1日龄,睾丸生殖母细胞有E2阳性表达.10日龄,生殖母细胞E2表达减弱(P<0.05).25日龄,E2表达主要见于精子细胞.45日龄,精母细胞和精子细胞中有E2表达.60日龄,精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞及精子中均有E2表达,精母细胞和精子细胞表达较强,精原细胞表达较弱.在胚后发育过程中,1日龄和10日龄间质区细胞的E2表达最强,25日龄和45日龄E2表达减弱,60日龄E2表达最弱(P<0.05).1日龄至60日龄附睾上皮细胞和连接组织均有E2表达,60日龄附睾管内有大量精子,且有明显的E2表达.这些结果说明,棕色田鼠从出生到性成熟过程中,生殖细胞和间质细胞有E2生成.在精子发生的各阶段,雌激素通过其受体可能对生精细胞的分化和增殖有直接调控作用,对间质细胞的发育也存在着调节作用.同时,附睾的发育和精子的成熟也受到雌激素的调节.
Mating behavior induces changes of expression of Fos protein,plasma testosterone and androgen receptors in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of the male mandarin vole Microtus mandarinus被引量:1
In order to investigate the neuroendocrine mechanism of the mating behavior in the adult male mandarin voles Microtus mandarinus,the radioimmunoassay(RIA)and immunohistochemistry methods were used to investigate the differences in plasma testosterone(T)concentrations and distribution of T immunoreactive neurons(T-IRs),androgen receptor immunoreactive neurons(AR-IRs)and Fos protein immunoreactive neurons(Fos-IRs)in the accessory olfactory bulb(AOB)and the main olfactory bulb(MOB)following exposure to clean hard-wood shavings(control group),soiled bedding(exposure group)or contact with an estrous female(mating group).Results showed that plasma T concentration was significantly higher in the mating group than that in the exposure group,and both the mating group and the exposure group displayed significantly higher plasma T concentration than the control group.T-IRs,AR-IRs and Fos-IRs were investigated with the immunohistochemistry method in granule cell(GC)and mitral cell(MC)of the MOB and the AOB in the three groups.There were significantly more T-IRs,AR-IRs and Fos-IRs in MC and GC of the AOB in the mating group than that in the exposure group or the control group.T-IRs,AR-IRs and Fos-IRs did not show significant differences between the exposure group and the control group.Furthermore,obvious differences in MC and GC of the MOB were not found among the three groups.The results confirm that both changes of T and AR in the AOB might be underlying mating behavior in the adult male mandarin voles.
Fengqin HEFadao TAI