In this paper,we study the homotopy classification of continuous maps between two r-1 connected 2r dimensional topological manifolds M,N.If we assume some knowledge on the homotopy groups of spheres,then the complete classification can be obtained from the homotopy invariants of M,N.We design an algorithm and compose a program to give explicit computations.
Let M be a closed n-manifold of positive sectional curvature. Assume that M admits an effective isometrical T1× Zpk-action with p prime. The main result of the article n+1 for n 〉 5, then there exists a positive constant p(n), is that ifk=lforn=3or k〉 n+1/4 for n≥5,then there exists a positive constant p(n),depending only on n, such that π1 (M) is cyclic if p ≥ p(n).