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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
土壤砷污染是我国乃至世界范围内比较严重的环境问题.有关砷污染的生态毒理效应有很多研究,但对砷污染土壤中微生物群落的关注相对较少.本文以我国湖南省石门县雄黄矿地区长期砷污染土壤为例,采用PLFA及BIOLOG微平板技术考察了7个砷(As)污染程度不同的样点以及一个对照样点土壤微生物群落结构及碳源利用特征.结果发现,雄黄矿区存在多种重金属复合污染,除As含量较高以外,镉(Cd)和镍(Ni)的含量也超过了国家土壤环境质量三级标准.雄黄矿区土壤微生物的群落结构受到土壤有机碳(SOC)、有效磷(AP)、p H以及镁(Mg)、Cd、铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)含量的显著影响.各样点土壤微生物群落均以细菌为主,占微生物总量的71.54%-80.66%,真菌次之,放线菌最少.雄黄矿区土壤中的有效砷对微生物造成了较严重的胁迫.严重砷污染降低了微生物对于碳源利用的多样性以及均匀度.各样点微生物对于碳源的利用也表现出明显的差异.31种碳源中微生物利用较多的只有7类,分别属于糖类、胺类、羧酸类与多聚物,并且以糖类为主.
丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)是一类在自然和农业生态系统中广泛存在并能与多数陆生植物形成共生关系的土壤真菌,在重金属污染土壤中对宿主植物的生长及吸收累积重金属具有重要影响,因而对污染土壤的生物修复具有潜在应用价值。以重金属从根际土壤进入植物并在植物体内再分配过程为主线,介绍丛枝菌根在这一过程中对重金属环境行为,特别是根际土壤中重金属赋存形态及植物吸收重金属的影响。最后,对丛枝菌根影响植物重金属耐性机制研究前沿和菌根修复技术的应用前景进行展望。
Growth and metal uptake of energy sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) in different metal mine tailings with soil amendments被引量:5
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the feasibility of growing energy sugarcane (Sac- charum spp.) in three different metal mine railings (Cu, Sn and Pb/Zn tailings) amended with uncontaminated soil at different mixing ratios. The results indicated that sugarcane was highly tolerant to tailing environments. Amendments of 20% soil to Sn tailings and 30% soil to Cu tailings could increase the biomass of cane-stem for use as the raw material for bioethanol production. Heavy metals were mostly retained in roots, which indicated that sugarcane was useful for the stabilization of the tailings. Bagasse and juice, as the most valuable parts to produce bioethanol, only accounted for 0.6%- 3% and 0.6%-7% of the total metal content. Our study supported the potential use of sugarcane for tailing phytostabilization and bioenergy production.
Xin ZhangYongguan ZhuYuebin ZhangYunxia LiuShaochun LiuJiawen GuoRudan LiSonglin WuBaodong Chen
Cr Stable Isotope Fractionation in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Dandelion and Cr Uptake by Extraradical Mycelium被引量:2
As common soil fungi that form symbioses with most terrestrial plants,arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungi play an important role in plant adaptation to chromium(Cr) contamination.However,little information is available on the underlying mechanisms of AM symbiosis on plant Cr resistance.In this study,dandelion(Taraxacum platypecidum Diels.) was grown with and without inoculation of the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis and Cr uptake by extraradical mycelium(ERM) was investigated by a compartmented cultivation system using a Cr stable isotope tracer.The results indicated that AM symbiosis increased plant dry weights and P concentrations but decreased shoot Cr concentrations.Using the Cr stable isotope tracer technology,the work provided possible evidences of Cr uptake and transport by ERM,and confirmed the enhancement of root Cr stabilization by AM symbiosis.This study also indicated an enrichment of lighter Cr isotopes in shoots during Cr translocation from roots to shoots in mycorrhizal plants.
REN Bai-HuiWU Song-LinCHEN Bao-DongWU Zhao-XiangZHANG Xin
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) on Distribution of Pb Forms in Rhizosphere of Upland Rice
[Objective] The aim was to study the effects of AMF on distribution of Pb in different chemical forms in rhizosphere soil of upland rice. [Method] A pot experiment was conducted to explore effects of AMF inoculation on distribution of Pb in different forms in rhizosphere of rice (Oryzal sativa L.) with Pb in different concentrations (0, 300 and 600 mg/kg). [Result] With inoculation adopted, mycorrzhial colonization rate of upland rice under Pb pdlution root declined substantially with Pb increasing in soils (P<0.05). Compared with non-inoculation, rhizosphere pH significantly enhanced by inoculation; when Pb was at 300 mg/kg, glomalin content in soils improved significantly by inoculation; when Pb was at 600 mg/kg, glomalin content in soils declined substantially (P<0.05). In addition, inoculation significantly improved contents of Pb in exchangeable and organic forms, but lowered Pb in carbonate bound and Fe-Mn oxides bound forms (P<0.05). [Conclusion] The research indicated that AMF inoculation would change distribution of Pb in different forms in rhizosphere soils of upland rice.
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Upland Rice Oxidative Stress Induced by Cu and Pb Contamination in Soil被引量:2
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effect of arbuscular mycor-rhizal fungi on upland rice oxidative stress induced by Cu and Pb contamination in soil. [Method] The upland rice seeds were sowed in pots, in which the soil was previously mixed with a certain amount of Glomus mosseae and 0, 100 and 200 mg/kg Cu, or 0, 300 and 600 mg/kg Pb. In the control treatment, Glomus mosseae was inactivated before mixed into the soil. Then, the physiological and chemical properties of the aboveground parts of rice plants were measured at mature stage. [Result] Compared with the control treatment (NM), Glomus mosseae (GM) treat-ment inhibited the POD, CAT and SOD activity while increased the soluble protein content under 100 mg/kg Cu and 300 mg/kg Pb treatment, improved the POD and CAT activity and soluble protein content while decreased SOD activity under 200 mg/kg Cu. SOD and POD activity showed no significant difference between NM and GM treatment under 600 mg/kg Pb, but the CAT activity was enhanced and soluble protein content was decreased. [Conclusion] This study wil provide theoretical refer-ence for bioremediation of soil heavy metal pol ution.