During the excavation to the Jiahu Site in 2013,systematic and comprehensive floatation work was conducted,by which over 6000 samples of charred plant remians belonging to rice,wild soybeanV,itis,water chestnut,acorn,Chinese hickory,lotus root,etc.have been fteched.These samples provided new data for our researche s on the plant food pattern of the people in the Jiahu Site.The analysis results on the remains of rice rachilla,starch residue and phytoliths showed that the main resource of the pnlat food of the residents of Jiahu Site was still edible wi ld plants,and the domesticated rice was increasing along with th etime;the harvesting methods of the Jiahu Site migh t have experienced the change from beating(stripping)to cutting(pinching).The dating results of the charred wheat and millet unearthed at this site excluded the possibility of the xeistence of dry farming crops such as millet and broomcor n in Jiahu Site,which might give some enlightenment to the paleoethnobotanical study.
通过巢湖西岸湖泊钻孔的植硅体分析,结合AMS14 C年代测定,识别了5个植硅体组合带。根据各组合带主要植硅体类型变化特征,重建了该地区13.7—7.5cal ka BP的气候环境演变史,共分为4个阶段:1)13.7—12.9cal ka BP阶段,气候呈现温暖湿润的特点,降水量较大,其中晚期阶段(13.1—12.9cal ka BP)气候开始逐渐变凉变干;2)12.9—11.5cal ka BP阶段,降温幅度较大,降水量减少,可能对应全球性新仙女木降温事件;3)11.5—9.8cal ka BP阶段,气温有所回升,降水量增加,气候总体表现为温凉湿润;4)9.8—7.5cal ka BP阶段,气温进一步回升,降水量略有减少,并存在多次波动。其中8.4—8.2cal ka BP期间发生了一次明显的变冷变干事件,可能代表了全球8.2ka的降温事件。上述结果很好地响应了区域性与全球性的气候变化,填补了该地区之前更新世末至全新世初古环境演变研究的不足。此外,13.7—7.5cal ka BP期间,水稻植硅体的连续出现表明该地区可能一直存在水稻生长,表明更新世末至全新世中期我国野生稻资源分布的北界至少已经到达巢湖流域。这一结果为研究我国史前野生稻资源的分布,以及长江流域及其以北地区稻作农业起源与发展等相关问题提供了实证和新线索。