An injection-locked Ti:sapphire laser is developed, with injection locking achieved using the Pound-Drever- Hall technique. By measuring the dependence of output power on the pump power with various Ti:sapphire laser parameters, we experimentally studied the influences of the ring cavity length, the focal length of the pump-laser mode-matching lens, and the output-coupler transmission on the threshold and slope efficiency. The dependence of the output power on the master laser power is also investigated. The present study provides a guideline for developing a Ti:sapphire laser with high slope efficiency and low threshold.
High power second harmonic generation (SHG) in MgO-doped LiNbO3 waveguides is investigated using a three-dimensional (3D) coupled thermo-optical model. Simulations performed for a 1 lll.6-nm funda- mental laser show the influence of the absorptions and the thermally induced dephasing on the conversion efficieneies of the different waveguides. The onset of the thermally induced dephasing effect for each waveguide is also indicated. As a result of high light intensity in the waveguide, noniinear absorptions are identified as the possible main factors in efficiency losses in specific cases.