TaPHT1.2 is a functional, root predominantly expressed and low phosphate (Pi) inducible high-affinity Pi transporter in wheat, which is more abundant in the roots of P-efficient wheat genotypes (e.g., Xiaoyan 54) than in P-inefficient genotypes (e.g., Jing 411) under both Pi-deficient and Pi-sufficient conditions. To characterize TaPHT1.2 further, we genetically mapped a TaPHT1.2 transporter, TaPHT1.2-D1, on the long arm of chromosome 4D using a recombinant inbred line population derived from Xiaoyan 54 and Jing 411, and isolated a 1,302 bp fragment of the TaPHT1.2-D1 promoter (PrTaPHT1.2-D1) from Xiaoyan 54. TaPHT1.2-D1 shows collinearity with OsPHT1.2 that has previously been reported to mediate the translocation of Pi from roots to shoots. PrTaPHT1.2-D contains a number of Pi-starvation responsive elements, including P1BS, WRKY-binding W-box, and helix-loop-helix-binding elements. PrTaPHT1.2-D1 was then used to drive expression of 13-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in Arabidopsis through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Histochemical analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis plants showed that the reporter gene was specifically induced by Pi-starvation and predominantly expressed in the roots. As there is only one SNP between the TaPHT1.2-D1 promoters of Xiaoyan 54 and Jing 411, and this SNP does not exist within the Pi-starvation responsive elements, the differential expression of TaPHT1.2 in Xiaoyan 54 and Jing 411 may not be caused by this SNP.
Jun MiaoJinghan SunDongcheng LiuBin LiAimin ZhangZhensheng LiYiping Tong
氮是植物生长必需的营养元素。植物从土壤中吸收的氮素主要是NO3-和NH4+等无机氮源。植物吸收NO3-和NH4+的系统均有高亲和转运系统(high-affinity transport system,HATS)和低亲和转运系统(low-affinity transport system,LATS)之分。近10多年的研究已对这些转运系统的分子基础有了较好的理解,本文着重对近年来植物吸收无机氮分子机制的研究进展进行了综述。
Phosphate (Pi) deficiency causes dramatic root system architecture (RSA) changes in higher plants. Here we report that overexpression of HRS1 leads to enhanced sensitivity to low Pi-elicited inhibition of primary root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Bioinformatic investigations uncovered that HRS1 and its six homologs encode putative G2-like transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Analysis of promoter::GUS reporter lines revealed that HRS1 transcripts were present mainly in the root hair region and root hair cells under Pi-sufficient conditions. Pi deprivation increased HRS1 expression level and expanded its expression domain. Although HRS1 knockout mutant did not differ from wild type (WT) control irrespective of Pi status, its overexpression lines were significantly more susceptible to low Pi-elicited primary root shortening. In both WT and HRS1 overexpression seedlings, low Pi-induced primary root shortening was accompanied by enhanced root hair cell differentiation, but this enhancement occurred to a greater extent in the latter genotype. Collectively, our data suggest that HRS1 may be involved in the modulation of primary root and root hair growth in Pi-deprived Arabidopsis seedlings, and provide useful clues for further research into the function of HRS1 and its homologs and the mechanisms behind RSA changes under Pi-deficient conditions.
Hong LiuHuixia YangChongming WuJuanjuan FengXin LiuHuanju QinDaowen Wang