A state-to-state dynamics analysis for the Li+HF (v = 0, j = 0)→LiF (v’, j’)+H collision reaction has been performed through quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) calculations. It is found that the differential cross section (DCS) of the LiF products from the title reaction is preferentially backward scattering for v’=0, yet forward scattering for v’=1 and 2. For v’=3, the DCS exhibits forward, backward, and sideways scatterings. The variation of the internuclear distances and angles along the propagation time reveals that more than 99.08% of reaction trajectories undergo the direct reaction mechanism. The values of the polarization parameters a1-{1} and a0{2} demonstrate that the product rotational angular moment j’ is not only aligned perpendicular to the reagent relative velocity vector k, but also oriented along the negative y axis. These product polarization results agree well with the recent quantum mechanical studies. The mechanism of these results was proposed and discussed in detail.
Stereodynamics for the reaction H+LiF(v = 0, j = 0) → HF+Li and its isotopic variants on the ground-state (12A') potential energy surface (PES) are studied by employing the quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) method. At a collision energy of 1.0 eV, product rotational angular momentum distributions P(0r), P(~r), and P(Or, Cr), are calculated in the center-of-mass (CM) frame. The results demonstrate that the product rotational angular momentum j' is not only aligned along the direction perpendicular to the reagent relative velocity vector k, but also oriented along the negative y axis. The four generalized polarization-dependent differential cross sections (PDDCSs) are also computed. The PDDCS00 distribution shows a preferential forward scattering for the product angular distribution in each of the three isotopic reactions, which indicates that the title collision reaction is a direct reaction mechanism. The isotope effect on the stereodynamics is revealed and discussed in detail.