This study aims to investigate the leaching behavior and filtration performance of zinc refinery residue under hydrothermal conditions. The relationships between the structure and morphology of silicon in the leaching residue and the pulp filtration performance were explored by determining the pulp filtration speed, analyzing quantitatively the silicon content in the leachate, and characterizing the leaching residue structure. The results show that hydrothermal leaching induces the coagulation–hydrolysis of the silicon in solution, consequently altering the microstructure of the leaching residue, and that silicon oxygen tetrahedra([SiO_4]^(4-)) form the main skeleton structure of the residue. The results obtained also show that the leaching rates of zinc and copper are 98.1% and 98.7%, respectively, and that the filtration speed is 526.32 L/(m^2·h) under the conditions of sulfuric acid concentration of 140 g/L, leaching temperature of 160°C, leaching time of 3.0 h, oxygen partial pressure of 0.75 MPa, stirring speed of 600 r/min, and a liquid-to-solid ratio of 10 mL/g.
Lei CaoYa-long LiaoGong-chu ShiYu ZhangMu-yuan Guo
研究了转炉渣中钴氧压硫酸体系选择性浸出过程的行为及其动力学。通过改变搅拌速度、反应温度、硫酸浓度、氧分压、物料粒度以及反应时间等浸出条件,考察钴浸出率的变化及影响,获得转炉渣中钴的浸出动力学规律。结果表明,钴的浸出率随着温度、酸度、氧分压的增加而增加;硫酸质量浓度大于0.4 mol·L–1会导致铁大量溶出;浸出过程符合未反应芯收缩核模型,前期受化学反应控制,然后转变为混合控制,后期受固体产物层扩散控制。化学反应控制和固体产物层扩散控制过程的活化能分别为43.19 k J·mol–1和10.49 k J·mol–1。化学反应控制过程对硫酸浓度、氧分压及粒度的反应级数分别为0.79、0.85和–0.95。