The creep behavior of the plasma sprayed NiCr and NiCrA1 coating/Nickel alloy 690 substrate systems at 1033 K was investigated. Results showed that there was almost no difference in the creep lives between the NiCr and NiCrA1 coated specimens at a given stress level, since the contents of Cr used in the NiCr and NiCrA1 powders are almost same. The relationship between the minimum creep rate and the applied stress followed the well-known Norton's power law, εmin=Aσ^n, with the values of A=2.66×10^-16 MPa^-n·h^-1 and n=6.48. The relation between the applied stress and time to rupture of the coated specimens can be estimated by using Larson-Miller equation. The θ projection method can be used to accurately characterize the creep behavior of the coated specimens.