Presently, the notion of multigranulation has been brought to our attention. In this paper, the multigranulation technique is introduced into incomplete information systems. Both tolerance relations and maximal consistent blocks are used to construct multigranulation rough sets. Not only are the basic properties about these models studied, but also the relationships between different multigranulation rough sets are explored. It is shown that by using maximal consistent blocks, the greater lower approximation and the same upper approximation as from tolerance relations can be obtained. Such a result is consistent with that of a single-granulation framework.
多粒度是近年来粗糙集领域研究的一个热点方向,而粒度约简是其中的一个核心问题。为了使得多粒度粗糙集能够用于处理连续型数据,引入模糊概念,构建了基于模糊等价关系的悲观多粒度模糊粗糙集模型,并进一步给出了粒度重要度的度量方法,设计一种基于启发式的粒度约简算法。以UCI(University of California Irvine)中3组数据集进行分析,实验结果表明所设计的算法能够在保持分类准确率不发生较大变化的情况下约去冗余的粒结构。