Deacetoxy-13-oxo sinenxan A (1) was converted to 9a-hydroxy-13-oxo-2a, 5a, 10b-triacetoxy-4(20),11-taxadiene (2) and 10b-hydroxy-13-oxo-2a,5a,9a-triacetoxy- 4(20), 11- taxadiene (3) by Ginkgo cell suspension cultures in 45% and 15% yields, respectively.
Microwave-assisted allylic oxidation at C-13 position of 14-deoxysinenxan A was described. This new method (150℃/10 min/5 bar on microwave synthesizer) led to a better yield of compound 1 and shorter reaction time.
Based on the chemistry involved in the radical chain deoxygenation of alcohols by the Barton-McCombie reaction, numerous applications in the synthesis of taxanes were reported. [1] In the original Barton-McCombie method,tributyltin hydride was the hydrogen atom source and tributyltin radical generated from the hydride served as a chain carrier. [2] Although the method gave the good yield and found many applications, the problems associated with the price, toxicity and removal of tin residues prompted search for other hydrogen atom sources. Radical chain deoxygenation of alcohols can be carried out with phosphorus centered radicals, generated from hypophosphorous acid orits salts. [3]……