We report on a compact passive mode-locked Er:fiber ring laser operated at the fundamental repetition rate of 517 MHz, which we believe is the highest fundamental repetition rate ever reported in a ring cavity fiber laser.The key technique is the employment of two innovative high-power wavelength domain multiplexer collimators with all gain fiber cavity suited for the high power(up to 2 W) pumping. The laser is featured with a direct chirpfree output pulse, which is 97 fs without extracavity compression at an average output power of 90 mW.
A compact Er:fiber ring laser operated at a fundamental repetition rate of 325 MHz is reported. Two gain fibers with opposite dispersion are employed to shorten the fiber laser cavity for high repetition rate and soliton-like pulse generation without losing gain and compactness. The spectral bandwidth of the output pulse is 24 nm and the direct pulse duration is 123 fs without extra-cavity compression, which are values near the transform-Hmited range.