Low frequency noise has been investigated at room temperature for asymmetric double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions(DBMTJs), where the coupling between the top and middle CoFeB layers is antiferromagnetic with a 0.8-nm thin top Mg O barrier of the CoFeB/MgO/CoFe/CoFeB/MgO/CoFe B DBMTJ. At enough large bias, 1/f noise dominates the voltage noise power spectra in the low frequency region, and is conventionally characterized by the Hooge parameter αmag.With increasing external field, the top and bottom ferromagnetic layers are aligned by the field, and then the middle free layer rotates from antiparallel state(antiferromagnetic coupling between top and middle ferromagnetic layers) to parallel state. In this rotation process αmag and magnetoresistance-sensitivity-product show a linear dependence, consistent with the fluctuation dissipation relation. With the magnetic field applied at different angles(θ) to the easy axis of the free layer,the linear dependence persists while the intercept of the linear fit satisfies a cos(θ) dependence, similar to that for the magnetoresistance, suggesting intrinsic relation between magnetic losses and magnetoresistance.
Double perovskite manganite Y2MnCrO6 ceramic Novel multiferroic properties are displayed with respect is synthesized and its multiferroic properties are investigated. to other multiferroics, such as high ferroelectric phase transi- tion temperature, and the coexistence of ferrimagnetism and ferroelectricity. Moreover, the ferroelectric polarization of Y2MnCrO6 below the magnetic phase temperature can be effectively tuned by an external magnetic field, showing a re- markable magnetoelectric effect. These results open an effective avenue to explore magnetic multiferroics with spontaneous magnetization and ferroelectricity, as well as a high ferroelectric transition temperature.