In this paper, the extended affine Lie algebra sl2(Cq) is quantized from three different points of view, which produces three non-commutative and non-cocommutative Hopf algebra structures, and yields other three quantizations by an isomorphism of sl2 (Cq) correspondingly. Moreover, two of these quantizations can be restricted to the extended affine Lie algebra sl2(Cq).
Based on the Lax operator L and Orlov-Shulman's M operator,the string equations of the q-KP hierarchy are established from the special additional symmetry flows,and the negative Virasoro constraint generators {L-n,n ≥ 1} of the 2-reduced q-KP hierarchy are also obtained.
In this paper we mainly study the derivations for even part of the finite-dimensional odd Hamiltonian superalgebra HO over a field of prime characteristic. We first give the generating set of the even part g of HO. Then we compute the derivations from g into the even part m of the generalized Witt superalgebra. Finally, we determine the derivation algebra and outer derivation algebra of and the dimension formulas. In particular, the first cohomology groups H^1(g;m) and H^1(g;g) are determined.
The q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra is well defined based on a realization of this Lie algebra by using the famous bosonic and fermionic oscillators in physics. Furthermore, the quantum group structures on the q-deformation of W(2, 2) Lie algebra are completely determined. Finally, the 1-dimensional central extension of the q-deformed W(2, 2) Lie algebra is studied, which turns out to be coincided with the conventional W(2, 2) Lie algebra in the q → 1 limit.