Shock-produced akimotoite was identified in the Suizhou chondritic meteorite, which occurs in two kinds of occurrence. The first is the irregular layers of akimotoite up to 4 ?m in thickness occurring in fractures and cracks of low-Ca pyroxene enclosed in the shock veins. The second is the zonal polycrystalline aggregates of akimotoite in shocked pyroxene grains close to the shock vein, where akimotoite occurs in a zonal area in between pyroxene and Mg Si O3-glass as irregular small clumps up to 5 ?m in size. This investigation suggests a solid-state transformation mechanism of pyroxene to akimotoite, and that akimotoite should have nucleated and grew in the area with abundant defects caused by shock deformation because the defect significantly enhances the solid-state reactivity and the kinetics of nucleation of high-pressure phase. The spatial relationship among the composed grains of pyroxene, akimotoite and Mg Si O3-glass(possibly vitrified perovskite) demonstrates a temperature gradient from the vein wall to the unmelted chondritic meteorite.
The occurrence and mineral chemistry of chromite and its high-pressure phase xieite in the Suizhou meteorite were studied by different modem micromineralogical techniques. Three types of occurrences for chromite were observed in the Suizhou L6 chondrite: coarse chromite grains, cluster of chromite fragments in molten plagioclase, and exsolution lamellar chromite in oli- vine. All the chromite grains of the first two types are remarkably similar in chemical compositions, but the composition of exsolution chromite is inhomogeneous and variable in A1203 content. Xieite is a post-spinel CT-phase of chromite firstly found in the Suizhou meteorite. Three types of occurrences of xieite have also been revealed in this meteorite: coarse xieite grains, complex three-zone-grains consisting of the inner xieite, the intermediate lamellae-like CF-phase and the outer chromite phase, and two-phase-grains consisting of xieite and one of the high-pressure silicate minerals lingunite, ringwoodite or majorite. The curved boundary between xieite and the silicate half in two-phase grains is indicative of some partial or even full melting of the silicate phase. EPMA and EDS results show that the compositions of xieite inside/contacting the shock veins are also identical to that of chromite outside the veins. However, some element diffusion appeared in between the xieite and the silicate half in the two-phase grains, namely, some of Al^3+ from lingunite, or Fe^2+ from ringwoodite migrated to xieite, and some of Cr^3+ migrated from xieite to lingunite or ringwoodite. Majorite in two-phase grains shows remarkable decrease of SiO2 and MgO, and notable increase of Al2O3 and CaO, indicating that its host mineral pyroxene was fully molten and mixed with the surrounding silicate melt of the vein matrix. The complexity in mineral chemistry of these two-phase grains in shock veins can be explained by the much higher shock peak temperature in shock veins (1800-2000℃) than in unmelted main body (-1000℃), and by the much lower