本文介绍了一种潜电流测试仪。它基于LXI(LAN eXtension for Instrument)总线技术而设计,集成了安捷伦公司最新推出的符合LXI标准的多功能开关/测量单元34980A和程控电源N5746A等设备,测试应用软件的开发平台为Agilent VEE Pro。该潜电流测试仪是针对航空航天领域的实际应用而开发的一种专用的自动测试装置。系统通过立式机柜组装,设计紧凑,接口简单,使用方便,且具有良好的可扩展性。
With the prevalence of service-oriented architecture (SOA), web services have become the dominating technology to construct workflow systems. As a workflow is the composition of a series of interrelated web services which realize its activities, the interoperability of workflows can be treated as the composition of web services. To address it, a framework for interoperability of business process execution language (BPEL)-based workflows is presented, which can perform three phases, that is, transformation, eonformance test and execution. The core components of the framework are proposed, especially how these components promote interoperability. In particular, dynamic binding and re-composition of work-flows in terms of web service testing are presented. Besides, an example of business-to-business (B2B) collaboration is provided to illustrate how to perform composition and conformance test.