周口店田园洞遗址是2001年新发现的一处重要的更新世晚期古人类遗址。该遗址经过两次发掘,出土了34件古人类化石和大量哺乳动物化石,是中国目前从人类化石本身所测得的最早现代人遗址。田园洞地处华北地台北部的燕山板内(陆内)构造带西南缘,发育于中元古界蓟县系薄层碳酸盐岩地层内。周围褶皱和次级断裂发育,岩脉侵入和片理化作用明显,为地下水的水平和垂直运动提供了大量不同级序和不同形式的通道,提高了岩石的透水性,有利于岩溶的发育。田园洞的形成以岩溶裂隙水垂直渗流方式沿岩脉和节理裂隙溶蚀而成。洞内地层对比和岩石矿物分析显示洞穴经历了洞穴发育期-快速堆积期-稳定沉积期-充填完成期的充填过程。动物化石和古人类化石属原地埋藏,古人类活动于角砾层快速堆积期。田园洞古人类活动的时间处于距今4万年前的晚更新世M IS 3阶段,对探讨中国现代人起源具有重要意义。
The Donggutuo site, situated in the east margin of Nihewan basin, is one of the most important Paleolithic sites in China, characterized by the longest excavation seasons and the most abundant cultural remains recovered in the region. Based on well-constructed sporopollen, sediment grain size analysis, magnetic susceptibility, and iron oxide analysis of the 2000―2001 excavated section, four stages of environmental change in the Nihewan Beds are identified by the authors. The results indicate four major stages of environment and climate change from 1) warm and humid forest grass to 2) temperate and humid forest grass to 3) temperate and dry forest grass to 4) warm and humid forest, which is suitable for hominid occupation. The changes correspond to the stages of lake transgression and regression. The environment after the lake died out away has been cold and dry boschveld. The hominid activities at the site took place in the Early Pleistocene (1.10 Ma), which corresponds to the early three environmental stages. Therefore, it can be inferred that the early hominids adapted to the relatively low lake level episodes through activities involving sporadic stone tool making, procuring of raw materials for tools, concentrating stone artifacts, and hunting and butchering. In conclusion, the results will be of great significance to research regarding the relationship between hominid occupation and environmental changes as well as the adaptive behaviors of early humans at the Donggutuo site.