In computer aided geometric design(CAGD) ,it is often needed to produce a convexity-preserving interpolating curve according to the given planar data points. However,most existing pertinent methods cannot generate convexity-preserving in-terpolating transcendental curves;even constructing convexity-preserving interpolating polynomial curves,it is required to solve a system of equations or recur to a complicated iterative process. The method developed in this paper overcomes the above draw-backs. The basic idea is:first to construct a kind of trigonometric polynomial curves with a shape parameter,and interpolating trigonometric polynomial parametric curves with C2(or G1) continuity can be automatically generated without having to solve any system of equations or do any iterative computation. Then,the convexity of the constructed curves can be guaranteed by the appropriate value of the shape parameter. Performing the method is easy and fast,and the curvature distribution of the resulting interpolating curves is always well-proportioned. Several numerical examples are shown to substantiate that our algorithm is not only correct but also usable.
This paper considers the semi-resumable model of single machine scheduling with anon-availability period. The machine is not available for processing during a given time interval.A job cannot be completed before the non-availability period will have to partially restartafter the machine has become available again. For the problem with objective of minimizingmakespan, the tight worst-case ratio of algorithm LPT is given, and an FPTAS is also proposed.For the problem with objective of minimizing total weighted completion time, an approximationalgorithm with worst-case ratio smaller than 2 is presented. Two special cases of the latterproblem are also considered, and improved algorithms are given.
Using algebraic and geometric methods,functional relationships between a point on a conic segment and its corresponding parameter are derived when the conic segment is presented by a rational quadratic or cubic Bézier curve.That is,the inverse mappings of the mappings represented by the expressions of rational conic segments are given.These formulae relate some triangular areas or some angles,determined by the selected point on the curve and the control points of the curve,as well as by the weights of the rational Bézier curve.Also,the relationship can be expressed by the corresponding parametric angles of the selected point and two endpoints on the conic segment,as well as by the weights of the rational Bézier curve.These results are greatly useful for optimal parametrization,reparametrization,etc.,of rational Bézier curves and surfaces.
This paper introduces the algebraic property of bivariate orthonormal Jacobi polynomials into geometric approximation. Based on the latest results on the transformation formulae between bivariate Bernstein polynomials and Jacobi polynomials, we naturally deduce a novel algorithm for multi-degree reduction of triangular B^zier surfaces. This algorithm possesses four characteristics: ability of error forecast, explicit expression, less time consumption, and best precision. That is, firstly, whether there exists a multi-degree reduced surface within a prescribed tolerance is judged beforehand; secondly, all the operations of multi-degree reduction are just to multiply the column vector generated by sorting the series of the control points of the original surface in lexicographic order by a matrix; thirdly, this matrix can be computed at one time and stored in an array before processing degree reduction; fourthly, the multi-degree reduced surface achieves an optimal approximation in the norm L2. Some numerical experiments are presented to validate the effectiveness of this algorithm, and to show that the algorithm is applicable to information processing of products in CAD system.